You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I agree. its supposedly liberal types like o’foole who are vilifying them


From the Examiner

More than half of Covid ICU admissions unvaccinated

More than half of people admitted to intensive care units between July and November were unvaccinated.

According to the Central Statistics Office’s Covid-19 Insight Bulletin, unvaccinated people accounted for 54% of Covid-related ICU admissions over the last five months.

More than 9-in-10 (92%) also reported having an underlying health condition.


The median age of the unvaccinated patients who had contracted Covid and were admitted to hospital between July and November was 38 years.

The median age for vaccinated patients was 66.

Nationally, almost two-thirds (59%) of those admitted to hospital under the age of 24 had not been vaccinated against coronavirus.

The equivalent figure for those aged between 25 and 44 was 48%.

The average hospitalisation rate has stayed below 30 people per 1,000 confirmed cases since April.

At the same time, the average ICU admission rate has been less than five people per 1,000 confirmed cases.


Further analysis found that, of those admitted to ICU who contracted the virus between July and November and who were not born in Ireland, 84% reported being unvaccinated, compared to 41 for those born in the state.

Vaccine uptake

Between September and November, Ireland increased its vaccination uptake by just under 3% - higher than the average increases reported in the UK and the rest of the EU.

The CSO bulletin also included a detailed breakdown of the overall vaccination uptake to date among people living here.

You spent your morning actually vilifying eastern Europeans.

And you ran away like the snivelling coward you are.

hah, the usage of a tired cliche such as fooly how badly rattled. i suppose its slightly better in that you havent ran away as you usually do

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now you, not so much sniveling, more swiveling, as in swivel eyed loon.

notwithstanding some very cowardly things youve done in the past

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So 6% of the population have fucked us all?

He’s bulling the figures are moving in the right direction. :laughing:

What do we want? More misery and lockdown. When do we want it? Now!


The boosters are working :clap::clap::clap:

Jabs for everyone…

Sajid Javid has just binned the red list and MHQ, says it total cod

Britain leading the way :clap:


117 in ICU on 17th November
109 in ICU today

The models were wrong again but I’d expect further restrictions from next Monday


further boosters and more restrictions are required for this current deadly wave of absolutely savage infection


Claire byrne is releasing a single for Christmas titled: “all I want for Christmas is more restrictions.”


Get the Christmas shopping done ASAP.

Tony is meeting the Taoiseach, Tanaiste and Eamon Ryan this evening.

Lockdown from next Monday.

Boris caught them on the hop. More restrictions incoming.

Sir Desmond Swayne gets it