You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Schools and hospitality closing.

lock it down fast

I’m steadfast in my opinion that dec 28 is the big day here
itll be a brutal lockdown

Earlier closing times for Hospo. Schools remain open. Full lockdown then January or possibly from Christmas eve

Schools closed from Friday.
Hospitality closing times being brought back to 10pm and kept under review

Hospitality needs to be closed fully and MHQ brought in for all arrivals into the state

Pubs have to go.

It they bring the closing time of pubs back to ten I hope people start setting fire to government buildings.

Free childcare from Monday

It will be akin to murder if they don’t close the pubs Christmas week. The Irish just can’t be trusted with drink.

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with the EPL being postponed now as well there is a real feeling of a return to the real , pure lockdown days of Spring 2020. Its imperative that live sport is cancelled, this helps focus the public’s minds also, re runs of the 2004 Munster Final and fellas walking around a 2km circle like on a pilgrimage to Lough Derg … this is what is needed

There’s a huge issue with that reporting. It’s misinformation.

They should release the figures for Oct and Nov separately after the vaccine rollout concluded.

@Bandage will be handing out free children


If the EPL Christmas calendar goes then literally anything could happen on here.

Imagine they closed crèches from Friday and people had to mind their own young children from 17 December to 4 January without respite. A chilling prospect.

I must root out the pair of runners I purchased online last January

I think the vast majority want it in Ireland, TFK s an outlier

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What a triumph for @Cheasty, Claire Byrne and @Thomas_Brady

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the 4th of January???
says he…

If they lock down 28 December it will go well into February, at the earliest.