You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Schools and pubs will be closed until June 2022

This is the moment Holohan has been waiting for since Leo slapped him down last year.

By Christ, revenge is a dish best served cold. Full lockdown level 5. Schools, pubs, travel, crèches, club AGM’s - gone. Get that into ye.

Archbishop Tony was just waiting for hospital numbers to drop below 500 to make his move

Last Christmas I gave you Co-vid
The very next day they locked you away
This year to save you from fear
I’ll give it someone special, special.


When you reckon the 2004 Munster final ???

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“Essential workers” will receive dispensation for their children to attend crèche, just like last year.

Fiddling around on spreadsheets, reading Twitter and posting on TFK is deemed essential, according to

You can feel it in the air. Gallows humour. Lads know a lockdown is coming. Good and proper and Paddy will take his medicine.

I’d say most people are sort of looking forward to it.

hahaha, all running to get their boosters and put up “I got boosted” images on their various social media accounts and paddy gets landed with another shite Christmas, welcome to the next 10 years


You’ll still be able to see the grandparents through the front window and communicate via walkie talkie.

There are lads that still have French flags on their Facebook profiles since the Bataclan Massacre in 2015. It’s high time they updated them to acknowledge their vaccine status.


So hear it is Covid Christmas and nobodies having fun
No hugging in the future where pints give you the Omi-cronnnnnn

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Thirty-seven people have been admitted to hospital with the variant in Denmark, with 28 of those testing positive before hospital admission or immediately afterwards and eight who were admitted for other reasons and then tested positive some days later. This is in stark contrast to admissions with other variants, where the vast majority of patients tested positive before admission, suggesting that a significant number of patients in the Omicron wave may test positive for Covid even if they are not being treated for it.

Omicron is terrifying

i actually cant wait for the cunt to pen that letter to Donnelly, it’ll be an absolute humdinger id say- it’ll land like a rock on the poor fucker’s desk

“proud” of the 95% vaccine number

Look like omicron is the big one lads

Mehole getting great kudos for solemnly lining up with all the other mugs to get his booster the other day

Luke O Neill falling was the final straw, the madman vaxxed up to the eyeballs with all sorts of concoctions of drugs and he struck down

the death of science

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nearly 60,000 cases on the mainland today, its out of control! good help ye on Craggy Island

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O’Neill was the Ben Johnson of the vaccinated- big eyes bulging with antivirals as he charges away from the virus with his right finger pointed in the air

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