You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You know what’s coming when they’re playing Mike Ryan from the WHO on the radio all day

Tony going in with the Vaseline tonight.


this will be epic, Hoolahan has some presence, a real sense of theatre in how he goes about his business

yer man quivering in front of the press earlier, Hoolahan has him spooked


there will be a further imposition of restrictions

I think the Cardinal will push for an alcohol ban in pubs and a recommendation against travel. He has the wind in his sails already with pubs given what happened last Christmas and the travel advice will cause maximum damage and attention in the week before Christmas.

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I thought the latest variant was nothing to worry about? @BruidheanChaorthainn had me all optimistic but now he’s threatening to burn down govt buildings if pubs close early.

Remember when it was revealed that Donnelly was so out of his depth and paralysed by the size of the task that he took to ignoring Holohan’s attempts to contact him and instead resorted to replying with emojis?

“Hi Minister, I’ve left you a few voicemails since last night following our latest NPHET meeting. I can’t express strongly enough how urgent this situation is becoming. My advice will be with with your secretary shortly but I wanted to talk you through what we consider the main issues, emerging threats and the key messages we need to deliver to the public. Could you let me know when would be suitable to talk?”



It’s all about “sending a message” and if that impacts the sectors used to convey that, so be it.

is there a lot of public buy in for a full lockdown in Christmas week?

Philip Nolan’s models on Omicron will make interesting reading.

I’m gonna say he’s predicting 10 million cases


You gotta let the virus know you mean business

TFK is universally on board.

We need a lockdown.



Its been proven that these Liberal (types who claim to be) are nothing more than self interested hypocrites. Go where the wind blows to virtue signal themselves for praise of a group. Group think is awful thing.

Let’s work on facts and address them accordingly in a compassionate manner. A higher than average of the population of Ireland who have not taken the vaccine, many are from Eastern Europe. Understanding their history you can see why they are hesitant. Reach out in theor language with the correct information and give them a better understanding of the benefits of the vaccine. Give them a hand rather than point fingers. By painting them with one brush or saying it’s all Johnny foreigners fault is not going to help anyone.


Send forth victorious

The 2021 Munster Final is on TG4 on St Stephen’s Day - Cluiche na Bliana


Come hell or high water I’m getting a fucking invite for membership to a shebeen this time around. Not a dickiebird last time. Not impressed.

Ourselves and Kellie Harrington will dominate the airwaves this lockdown. The 2021 equivalent of the 2004 Munster final.

Those unvaccinated Tyrone nordies will be airbrushed from the RTE archives.