You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

next time talk to a gull

Get It Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

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People will be able to relax more into the lockdown this time around as we know itā€™s going to be forever like this.

Like itā€™s actually fucking mad. Hospital numbers are falling but they introduce extra restrictions anyway because they know Omicron is coming. Then Omicron catches on in the London and they have to introduce extra restrictions because of Omicron. But they already introduced restrictions for that.

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Iā€™m trying to live (& love) alongside Covid while accepting that omicron IS NOT a cod.

Ergo, my Christmas plans were to proceed cautiously with selective socialising and interactions.

My intention is to go out for pints on Friday, 17 December, and for that to be my last night out before Christmas.

With NPHET meeting on Thursday, Iā€™ll strongly endorse any restrictions that commence on Saturday.

two years of their lives stolen and a load of simpletons crying out for more


Fucking wankers like you going out to pubs while having symptoms. Youā€™re the reason weā€™re locking down so donā€™t be on here crying like a fanny for the next 3 months. Cunt.

lads got complacent, they didnā€™t realise it wasnā€™t a 3 dose jab

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Murdering people then crying about their civil liberties being denied :rage:

Great to see you have moved on from blaming the unvaxxed.

The only time Iā€™ve gone to the pub the past few months I had no symptoms and I had an antigen test that morning.

Not enough lads put on the green jersey unfortunately


Were you telling lies on the internet last week? Thatā€™s worse.

Holohan tonight



What did I say? You must have gotten the wrong end of the stick.
I had a flu the day before. That morning I felt better, did an antigen, did a few paracetamol and hit the pub.

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Will we be able to go for a rock shandy and a game of cards?

you put people at risk


Only if everyone plays with their own deck

Paddy and his drink again


They should close the schools immediately, but leave the creches open. That way thereā€™ll be less traffic for my creche drop off in the morning. Win win for everyone