You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Tipp town , outside the Aldi, 12pm on Sunday.

You set it up kid, are you going to be there?


Are ye hitting faces?

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Yeah, I’ll pop you in a trolley when I finish beating you around the car park. Tell your missus you’ll be wearing a Barney The Dinosaur mask too, if you’re arranging to be collected afterwards.


Wow, good man, its on so.

By all accounts it would be unfair on any opponent of @Bandage to rule out that huge surface area from hits.


You fucking mong.

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“I spent my teens and twenties fucking anything that moved and travelled the world experiencing everything that the world offered but my message to young people now is die alone in your parent’s shed because I have kids now I’m in my forties and I don’t get out that much.”

You’re younger self would brick you outside Chicken Hut and would be seen as a hero by your peers. And he would be right. Cuntface.


Excellent post mate.

What are you rabbiting about? You’ve truly lost it :rofl:

We’ve seen tonight on multiple threads, and over months and months, it all comes back to drinking for some lads on here :rofl:


The major problem for taking it as seriously as that is that most people don’t get sick with it. Especially kids. Once that became clear it was going to be impossible to get people to take it anywhere near as seriously as, in fairness, they probably should have to get rid of it. Even if governments tried to they wouldn’t have been let. When people are sitting at home for two weeks ‘isolating’ from the world with perfectly healthy kids bouncing off the walls it tends to soften their desire for the hardline measures needed to eradicate it. See also people who live together being negative and positive at the same time and a myriad of other anomalies that just chip away at how serious people take it. Doing things for the abstract ‘good of society’ does not really work for too long.
It’s just too confusing a virus in every way and that’s why it’s going to hang around so long.


I like the new @Horsebox very much.


Has anyone used a “I’m vaccinated” overlay on any of their social media platforms? I wouldn’t even have any engagement with anyone that didn’t


The Botswana variant has 32 spike protein mutations, its the real deal, the one we have been waiting for. A vaccine evader


I’ve a sign on the window saying no dogs, no Irish and no unboostered.
The double jabbed are only vermin at this stage

Munster Rugby present a clear and present danger to the citizens of this state. Under no circumstances should they be allowed return from South Africa.

They might also bring back this killer new variant.


I’m glad now I got the astra zenica vaccine initially , that was developed on chimpanzees in the the Congo , it floored the bastsrds , it gives unbelievable immunity… you really feel no need for any booster after it
that Pfizer is a cod, trying to get the body to make proteins, their luck has run out now.

They need to bring back Simon Harris to ready that temporary morgue plan for Nowlan Park…

There ll be a ferocious lockdown now, @BruidheanChaorthainn you can forget about the jager bombs now…forget about it

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I turned on rte there and after the news it was “we are going to stick with this new covid variant now”.

They are some bunch of cunts.

It’s time to put the head down and drive on now. Show a little bit of balls and pig headedness. We can’t be going back into lock down.


American TFK is only on it’s second thread FFS


Mandatory Hotel Quarantine is back lads per Helen Mcentee
@Tassotti we knew…

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