You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The competent position now would be lockdown 5 plus.

Don’t think yis would like that.

More good news @Cheasty


Hospital numbers and ICU numbers are going the wrong way for a full lockdown.

it comes out when youre AP and above

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Sounds like Nanna Hunt would get on well here

I hear the weather was lovely and calm in Kentucky last Thursday?

I’d be all for transparency around NPHET. All their workings, models, predictions, methods, everything should be out there for the public to see. The rationale they use to recommend sectors closing etc should be 100% public and open to challenge/investigation. They should be accountable.

And, if they repeatedly make poor decisions or inaccurate predictions, they should be fucked out and replaced


I’ve no idea and fail to see what it has to do with numbers reducing in our hospitals.

tony transparency


They have given advice that contradicts government policy. They have undermined government by leaking their recommendations before they’ve even reached ministers, repeatedly. Both are firing offences. Administration of state can’t function with actions like this. Frankly it’s outrageous that the government had to go to these lengths to stop this happening. Of course yis know this but it doesn’t suit yis.


100% correct.

They’ve used scare tactics and blaming the public throughout.


I think you mean to say: “Government policy contradicts public health advice”.

ie. Government policy on this matter on which they are clueless, is made up by Government. Who are know nothings.

Leaking? It was Varadkar who started the leaking.

One cabinet minister is called the “cabbage strainer” they leak so much.

More failed testing policies
 The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Well we took a load of higher ups from the basket case that is the HSE and then put them in defacto control of the country. What did you expect?

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perhaps you could direct me to the article in bunreacht where the government are bound byNPHET advice


Spineless government gave NPHET that platform in the first place.

I don’t think they are.
They are perfectly complementary. I hold that position. It is very important that their meetings are recorded and reasoning open to challenge and examination. They have been hand-picked for their supposed expertise but have no accountability. We need to know exactly what was said and by whom.
I am pro muzzling them because messaging is so so important on this. They are an advisory body. They should advise the government and the government should make the decision. If you get 2/3/5 members of nephet doing their own opinions on chat/news shows whenever they feel like it, it completely muddies the water. If one of their recommendations isn’t taken by the government they should keep their mouths shut. They don’t make any decisions nor should they. If they want to make shit up about car parks or flying into Ireland they should keep their mouths shut. Let the government communicate. They have enough problems doing that without fucking up.


OK so what you’re saying is the Government should entirely disregard the advice of their own public health team, the Chief Medical Officer etc. and the warnings of the scientific community around the world, and keep everything opened up.

That sounds like a good idea, yeah.

The definition of insanity is making the same mistake over and over and over again.