You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

lessons learned by govt and NPHET such as ramping up ICU and hospital beds during respiratory illness season? lessons not learned by NIAC and NPHET about boosters and ramping up the booster campaign?

blame the people, and not the decision makers??

Thatā€™s the first sensible thing Iā€™ve heard from Nephet in 20 months. If everyone thought like that there might be capacity in GPs for people with actual essential appointment needs

I never saw you or any of the other blowhards calling for measures which would have improved our situation.

I never saw you call for ventilation, or accelerating the booster campaign, or mask mandates or vaccine mandates, or proper sick pay for people who have to isolate.

I never saw you or any of any of the other blowhards do any of that.

Thatā€™s the sort of stuff Iā€™ve constantly been calling for. Iā€™ve consistently called for a multi-pronged approach, using every prong you possibly have. Whereas you lot are the classic hurlers on the ditch pretending to wise after the event, when the Government have consistently done what youse lot wanted. Thatā€™s why we are where we are.

Because of what youse lot wanted, and got.

You now seem to think we can just press a magic switch and quadruple ICU capacity. You canā€™t do that. You need trained staff which you canā€™t just magic up.


Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

Theyā€™re really not. For example I think a lot of the data, analysis and even recommendations of the Dept of Finance should be publicly available. However I donā€™t think in the run up to and after the budget the sec gen of finance or other high ranked officials should be at press conferences or offering opinions etc directly via media.

It really isnā€™t that complicated


I never saw The Doxxer calling for restrictions to combat Winter flu which ravaged the health service on an annual basis and costs lives.

Itā€™s funny how The Doxxer wants to attack the whole time but never wants to ever address his own shameful views and deeds. Thatā€™s what the King of Projection does.

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Art, why did you claim ā€œthe vast bulkā€ of the unvaccinated in this country are eastern Europeans?

When they in fact make up only around one in four?

Why did you then run away when you were called out on your lie?

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

Course they are.

There are two scenarios here.

i) The Government is taking the advice of NPHET. In which case, why muzzle NPHET?

ii) The Government is not taking the advice of NPHET. If so, what is the rationale for rejecting the advice of NPHET? Whereā€™s the transparency about why they are doing so?

Either scenario is not transparent. And therefore terrible governance.

That isnā€™t the question Art. Itā€™s irrelevant waffle.

You ran away yesterday when called out on a racist lie, now youā€™re in full meltdown howling at the moon like a hysterical banshee.

Itā€™s very funny.

Will T allow us a meaningful Christmas?

Theyā€™ll never stop, they are so far gone down the path at this stage that they would be embarrassed to walk back. The non ZCer ultras like McDonkey and Luke Oā€™Neill got off quick smart.

everyone can see what youre at

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

You wouldnā€™t need to be Columbo to figure out itā€™s author anyway.

Keep it up, Art. :grinning:

The isolation for close contacts regardless of vaccination status and symptoms is a smart one from them in their goals or maximum distribution without being held accountable, Iā€™d expect most will drop out of social engagements next week.

Good to hear they are moving away from the country specific travel restrictions, thatā€™ll drive the Zero Covid xenophobes mental.

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

keep dodging buddy

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Keep racist howling, Art.

still dodging

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice