You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Art ran away, Art ran away, Art ran away :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

If they bring in this possible recommendation of close contacts isolating it’ll only lead to more problems in hospitals and healthcare settings through staff absences.

You can die of anything in this country bar covid.

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Why does The Doxxer keep ignoring the question?

A smart person would address it and make a good point. A humble person would address it and accept it undermines their position. Only an arrogant fool would keep on deflecting away from it and pretending they are right when the whole world sees them as a deranged lunatic.

I take pride in debating on here, I would never duck a question like The Doxxer is doing, it’s sheer cowardice and arrogance.

there seems to be a particular set of steps to this sort of cognitive dissonance

  1. whataboutery
  2. strawman
  3. confirmation bias tweet
    4.saying the person who posed the question is unhinged
  4. throwing a load of non sequitur questions into the equation and accusing the questioner of not answering them

there may be significant correlation between this and the rattled scale


It’s just a lack of class and manners at the end of the day. The Doxxer has his position beaten all ends up on a daily basis, he is incapable of adding anything sensible or intelligent to the debate so just keeps engaging in misrepresentation, misinformation and tweeting the views of fellow crazies who support his craziness.

It’s amazing to have half this forum rattled to within an inch of their lives.

Then there’s Art rattled.

The Spinal Tap of the rattled scale.

But the scale goes even higher than that again…

This is a really weird response. You’ve assumed a position and you can’t back it up and you accuse art of running away. What it comes down to is that on one discrete area of policy you disagree with how our democracy and the administration of state works. Your position on transparency is idiotic. It reflects extremely badly on the competence and integrity of NPHET that the government had to go to the lengths they did to stop them leaking and stop them giving advice that is contrary to government policy.


youve done it now, prepare for the incoming question on the price of turnips in bulgaria

Answer the question.

There are two possible scenarios here.

i) The Government is taking the advice of NPHET. In which case, why muzzle NPHET?

ii) The Government is not taking the advice of NPHET. If so, what is the rationale for rejecting the advice of NPHET? Where’s the transparency about why they are doing so?

Either scenario is not transparent. And therefore terrible governance.

Which scenario is happening?

It’s hilarious how I’ve backed you, Art, and the virgin who spends his days wanking into a sock into being Fine Gael lickspittles defending a lack of transparency. I think it goes to show how easily manipulable yis are, and that yis essentially believe in nothing other than arguing against common sense.

It really is. :grinning:

Says the blowhard who has spent his entire lunchtime doing exactly that :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

all the smileys in the world cant hide that your hiding after getting a hiding

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

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Loads of projection from The Doxxer again.

He must live a very miserable life.

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You’re a Fine Gael lickspittle now, Art. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

that takes significant illogical leaps and probably involves hallucinogenics

Again, the question is can you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice

What’s that to do with the price of turnips in Bulgaria?


Ben Finnegan lived on Walker St
A gentleman, Irish, mighty odd

Yis have done nothing of the sort. I’ve set out why the government took their action. You ignored (as usual) that and repeated (as usual) your false scenario. Once again, the government’s decision is a reflection on the competence and integrity of NPHET.

It’s quite telling that you think that how our democracy functions should be changed only in this one discrete policy area and in order to align with your personal views. Once again you’ve wound yourself up to ninety and find yourself having adopted a position with no reason or consistency to it.

This could apply to any body advising the government, they’re not allowed have press conferences either. The Civil Service Code still applies. It might be noted also that you didn’t just have 1 NPHET member giving press conferences and interviews, you had multiple and in some cases they were contradicting each other.

It’s possible to release NPHET recommendations without having NPHET members give interviews and become celebrities. As other posters have explained this is exactly what happens with every other government advisory body. NPHET would presumably be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

It should be noted also that there’s actually not supposed to be transparency on Cabinet decisions - the Cabinet must be seen to act as one. That obviously is controversial but it has a Constitutional basis.

More fundamentally I just can’t see how the Civil Service Code should be disapplied to certain government bodies only. There are legal problems with unequal application of disciplinary procedures also. The whole thing could fall apart in the long term. You want to go down that road just because you happen to agree with these particular civil servants.

Sorry to go back but this gave me a good laugh. Where exactly did you call for this, on TFK? Thanks for doing your bit for the country mate.