You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

If you refer to NPHET I think they have largely tried to do what is best for the country. That said I think their advice has been inadequate on a whole host of occasions during the pandemic.

If you’re referring to the Government, well, who knows, you’d hope they thought they were doing their best for the country.

But the point is, they are fucking clueless. They haven’t a rashers what they are doing. I’m sure Frank Lampard thought he was dong his best for Chelsea when he was manager. I’m sure Ole Gunnar Solskjaer thought he was doing his best for Manchester United. But they hadn’t a rashers.

You’d be as well off to put @Tassotti in charge, you’d get about the same amount of expertise.

Time and again, the Government asserting their “authority” has worked out disastrously. This Government setting public health policy is like expecting Ali Dia to be a top striker at Premier League level.

Restrictions will have public buy in. Why? Because the public have no other choice. Restrictions are largely based on whether businesses and other places where people mix are open or not. And if they’re not open, they’re not open.

End of.

And there is always some lack of compliance built in. People breaking the spirit or the rules of lockdown are always amplified way beyond their real frequency. That’s the world we live in now because of social media.

You cannot take chances with something like Omicron. To think you can push the buttons and come up with a “sweet spot” of restrictions is unbelievably deluded and hubristic. That’s what we’re set on. Repeating the same mistakes, except worse. And it is grossly irresponsible. This country should have been locked down a week ago.

The “adults in the room” are in fact giant fucking babies.

NPHET have done what is best for NPHET.

Their Covid tunnel vision has had huge and what will turn out be severe and stark lasting consequences for just about every sector of society.

Govt and NPHET have passed the buck at every opportunity when it has came to managing this crisis. When you have high ranking HSE officials at the helm of NPHET then what would you expect other than a lack of accountability?

Holohan should be in court on a civil action over his negligence in the Cervical smear scandal.


I disagree with a lot of what you say. As you used a football analogy, I’ll continue. Basically, any footballer who came out saying what he thought his manager should do would be sanctioned pronto. And yet this is Tony h. And this is a lot more serious than football.
On your second point, the government needs buy in for the restrictions to work. Wfh etc can be fairly self policing etc but it’s a whole different ball gaming asking people to socialise in certain restrictive fashions. And they just won’t do it when the government keeps fucking up their restrictions and messaging.

Your two scenarios are false. Your views on transparency are idiotic. I’ve explained the reason for the government action. You keep ignoring it and repeating yourself. You’re stuck on one of yisser weird loops.


Did NPHET advise against masks and antigen testing at various stages?

Should NPHET not be accountable for those mistakes?

Should Philip Nolan not have been chased down the round with his flawed modelling?

Why are NPHET not accountable?

Im guessing schools gone Friday lads?
apparantly parents in Dublin suburbs , im talking the real foot soldiers of the pandemic now, wear their masks, WFH, pay their taxes , listen to Tony , take to twitter to complain they werent asked for a covid cert at a cafe and are horrified by people outside their bubble not giving a flying fuck about this nonsense are “worried” that schools “are not safe” and their children are at “risk”… they are so frightened that “some will be keeping them at home next week” as it clearly isnt “safe”

I assuming schools gone friday- TBD on reopening , call made 2 jan to extend to easter


Tank on ketamine would make way more sense than you are making today with your “change how democracy operates in one discrete policy area to suit me or else you’re undemocratic” ramblings.

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cc @Bandage


That’s not true about football or general team sport, including GAA now. At the top level, it’s very often players who hold the whip hand.

If the manager doesn’t know what he’s doing, they get sacked. But we can’t sack this Government.

And the manager’s role has continuously become constrained. At many clubs now, managers don’t get a say in who is signed.

Again, a certain level of lack of compliance is always built into lockdown. Yes some people will break the rules and socialise privately in houses, but, the amount of people you can fit into houses is very limited.

Whereas in pubs restaurants, there is huge mixing.

Anyway, the public tend to be well ahead of the Government in how they behave. Hence in the UK hospitality is projecting a 40% loss for December. And that’s without any real restrictions. People are already buying into the spirit of lockdown without there yet being one.

And you can’t run an economy like that in the long term.

‘Yisser weird’ loop. Genius.

These are just empty statements. They mean nothing. This is so bleedin’ obvious that your refusal to see the wood for the trees has to be deliberate.

Nevermind Holohan using Covid as an excuse to get in his anti drink ideas. Holohan makes Archbishop McQuaid look like a librel.

You are acting like a cheerleader for corporate authoritarianism. There’s another word for corporate authoritarianism.

This is a battle between the elitist bourgeois economy fetishists and the public health of the people.

The rhetoric on this forum is reminiscent of 19th century robber barons who thought their workers should be happy to live 20 to a room in tenements and put up with living among rats and all manner of diseases and filth.

It’s utterly fascinating to see which side posters have taken.

I think they’ll keep schools open now. Parents may pull kids out early next week but if a kid gets it now you’re isolating for Christmas so why bother.

Expect war next week when @Bandage gets notified he is a close contact after his lads night out on Friday and his life partner has to cancel her visit to her family on Christmas Day.


Rugby matches and Paddy’s Day cancelled in March 2020 but Tony ploughed ahead bringing medics from across the world to Dublin for an anti alcohol conference.


Doxxer Contradiction #1

  • Pro Big Pharma
  • Anti Corporate Authoritarianism
  • Pro Authoritarianism in general

Might as well keep a log on the crazy one has his insincere and deranged ramblings.


They’re not empty statements. I’ve given you the reasons for the government decision, and you’ve ignored them. I’ve pointed this out to you again but you just repeat yourself over and over again in return, it’s hard to see how anyone should engage with this kind of nonsense.

Can’t see any scenario schools close. Kids better off in the ‘controlled’ environment imho. Some parents will take their kids out on Friday, which is their perogative.


I’m the one standing up for the integrity of democratic process and use of ketamine. You’re the one that wants democracy usurped in one discrete policy area because you know better.

Who’s the authoritarian?

‘I read your editorial “The Irish Times view on Britain’s Covid-19 ‘tidal wave’: nobody at the tiller” with interest.

I find it somewhat astonishing that you chose to group civil libertarians and Covid-deniers together. In no way am I a Covid-denier. I have had my vaccines, try to maintain social distance and wear a mask when it is appropriate to do so, and I urge others to do the same.

I am, however, a civil libertarian. I fundamentally believe that people should have the right to make their own choices and not be penalised if theirs is not the state-approved one .

I have always believed that civil liberties are to be defended vigorously. Perhaps it is only in The Irish Times that civil libertarianism is a bad thing? Who would have thought it? ‘

Andrew Bridgen, Conservative MP, House of Commons.

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