You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Sounds like this Tory MP is on the same page as Corbyn.

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The situation is very serious

78,610 people have been diagnosed with runny nose on the mainland


But it isn’t controlled. It’s not in any way controlled. It’s an environment that is perfect for rampant spread. If you have 25 students in a class and Omicron is present, that might be 26 households that Omicron is returning to.

Multiply by the amount of classes in the school.

And then multiply by all the schools in the country.

It’s a lot more controlled than any shopping centre where kids would otherwise congregate.

Andrew Bridgen doesn’t give a fuck about people’s rights. Did he oppose the Nationality and Borders Bill?

Did he fuck.

Most of these same shysters who claim to be “civil libertarians” voted to dramatically reduce civil liberties.

Did Bridgen the “civil libertarian” oppose the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill? No, of course not, he voted for it.

  • On 30 Jun 2020:Andrew Bridgen voted to remove rights for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, spouses, vulnerable adults and dependant adults to join a family member who is legally present in the United Kingdom.Show vote
  • On 22 Jan 2020:Andrew Bridgen voted against requiring ministers to seek to negotiate with the EU to allow unaccompanied children seeking asylum to join their relatives by moving from the UK to the EU or vice-versa, and instead voted to require the Government to set out its policy on this subject.Show vote
  • On 8 Jan 2020:Andrew Bridgen voted to remove a requirement for ministers to seek to negotiate an agreement with the EU to enable unaccompanied child refugees to join their relatives.Show vote
  • On 25 Apr 2016:Andrew Bridgen was absent for a vote on Immigration Bill — Asylum Seekers: Permission to Work after Six Months Show vote
  • On 1 Dec 2015:Andrew Bridgen voted to restrict the support available to failed asylum seekers and illegal migrants.

So called libertarianism is the road to tyranny. It legitimises the right of the bully to bully.

In libertarianism, as regards Covid, the only “right” is the right of the unvaccinated to increase the chances of spreading it to others.

Others have no rights.

It is a bankrupt ideology which has no answers to the problems of the world.

Non-essential shops should be closed.

You are in dream land.


wow, triggered much?

The vaccine works, the booster is flying off the shelves and the hospitals are empty.

Anybody looking for restrictions has ulterior motives and it has nothing to do with saving lifes.


You must have had a tough time deciding which INTERNET slogan you’d use as a substitute for a response there.

Project, project!

so your next stage is a confirmation bias tweet?

The Tories want to allow ketamine now too or what’s your point?

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In the words of Phillip J Fry, I don’t remember any of that but I don’t have the wherewithal to defend myself.

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futurama dancing GIF

I don’t think that’s the alternative that Sid envisages.

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About 5 per cent of NHS beds are Covid patients

Well not exactly - some of the are road accident victims

You’d imagine it’s similar in Ireland.


I see a few astute commentators on twitter suggesting omicron doesn’t even exist and it was merely a ploy to get the booster programme moving.

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Sounds feasible