You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You told him a while back you thought his use of ā€˜yisā€™ was funny and he shoehorns it into every post now. Trying to impress you, thatā€™s how sad the fool is

How are we doing now with this thing? I havenā€™t seen a news bulletin in about two weeks.

Most pubs on Camden Street seem to be completely ignoring all restrictions now at this stage.


Are you enjoying your stint on Camden St pub watch?

I am actually.

Its tremendous fun at this time of the year.


Iā€™ll be in there later on I hope.

I was in another pub not too far away last weekend that didnā€™t ask for any certs. On basis 94 per cent of adults are vaccinated it seemed a good efficiency and use of staff where they are actually needed.

The HSE could learn from it in terms of deploying staff on the front line and not in paper pushing roles.


Always knew there was a Limerick origin to this.

They have rendered the COVID -pass useless anyway

Thereā€™s plenty of people saying that and a lot more about COVID in general and how it is being orchestrated. Of course you wonā€™t hear about these people unless you seek out an alternative view than that of RTE and the likes of unhinged internet journey men. Iā€™ll spend as much time worrying and getting worked up over Omicron as I have all other variants, which wonā€™t take me very long at all.


So effectively over 20% of Covid recorded hospital patients arenā€™t even in hospital for Covid? Deary me.

Itā€™s a fucking joke.

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I could do with a bit of Omicron so Iā€™m definitely going for pints in Belfast next week. Will shelve me up nicely over the Xmas period which I hate anyway.

Off with you so

Sure waiting around after was hardly slowing things up was it :smiley: I didnā€™t wait around after either of mine. But Iā€™d be tough like that

Scrap the waiting areas and add more booths into the centres.


Why didnā€™t they just give us the three jabs the first time we went in and save all this messing


copying the Brits again :rofl: :rofl:


Some GP rep said theyā€™d double their daily vaccinations if it was waived.

What are the GPS getting again? ā‚¬60 a jab. No wonder they are canceling all appointments

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Post the vaccine out to people and we can all self serve

Hard disagree.

Your scenario 1 is completely mis-stated. Itā€™s entirely possible to consider and take advice from an advisory body without that body being front and centre or offering their advice publicly (particularly ahead of decisions) - in fact its the best way and is the way that most Govs and other organisations around the world conduct their business. Just because its Covid doesnā€™t mean it should be structured differently.

Your point about ā€œterrible governanceā€ is actually completely upside down. The way the gov either actively or not allowed the situation with NPHET to develop was terrible governance and communication structure and put the gov, NPHET and the general public in all sorts of sub-optimal situations.

Thatā€™s not any commentary on the advice from NPHET itself - just on the way the whole thing has been allowed to develop.


And people want us to trust these people who are making megabucks form this.