You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Haven’t been asked for it yet at my gym, perhaps not surprising as I think my gym is a money laundering operation.

power corrupts.

do a comparison between the IFAC and NPHET, both advisory bodies


In fairness it’s possible they recognise me and don’t want to waste my and their time.

It doesn’t mate. Not at all.

I think they’ve been guilty of pushing their views at times, because they are a single issue committee and have only one concern. Flatty says they are pushing it because they enjoy personal gain from maintaining and wielding power and influence purely for the sake of it. That’s a completely different contention. I think it’s mad.

We could train dogs to staff ICU?

We could train dogs to detect covid but we decided not to.

In the minutiae. From what I’m told by herself, most covid ICU patients are intubated and ventilated and stable mostly, and as long as there is a reasonable structure, it isn’t labour intensive nor does it need particular expertise.


Could you imagine them if they were being used now? They’d be the canine equivalent of ANGRY INTERNET posters.

Sure a dog with a mallet up his arse could do it.

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Why do you always strawman and lie to try and argue a point?
I said nothing of the sort.

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Given she did it at the height of the initial pandemic, I’ll take her word over yours.

Apologies in that case. You specifically mentioned personal gain, I asked what you meant, can you explain?

I have already. You just ignore anything that doesn’t suit your argument.


We could retrain heroin addicts to staff ICU as part of a JobBridge type scheme. They are experts at administering intravenous infusions.

And they would be VALUE FOR MONEY™.

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Lowest hospital numbers since October and we are looking at more restrictions. The nervous nellies are winning.


Omicron? What is Omicron? There is no Omicron.

What is it?

I didn’t ignore it. I disagreed with you and I explained why. That’s the opposite.

This is what you said. You described it as personal gain. So the personal gain is the attention and that’s why they are pressing their case, according to you.