You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Stop “gaslighting” me :rofl:

Jaysus lads are starting to crack already. Omnicron has some lads driven demented.


Just pointing out the fact that when the debate gets deep you lack the intellect and emotional capabilities to hack it.

Deep debate from the lad with the vocabulary of a hysterical snowflake? Are you “throwing shade” at me? :joy::joy::joy:

Ewan actually had a tweet during the summer where he predicted exactly what has happened over the past few months. He probably deleted it afterwards.

Ewan and @The_Most_Infamous have called it spot on.


You’re the one debasing it to this because you can’t address a simple point on the proven link between Covid hospital admissions, deaths and obesity.

I’ve pointed out your double standards and insincerity when you try and support discriminatory and intolerant views and policies.

You repeatedly try to deflect away from this and debase the thread with the posts highlighted previously. You simply aren’t able to debate things like a rational adult. Must be your white male privilege.



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I just pointed out you’re a hypocrite and your position is completely insincere.

I gave you evidence which proves obesity is linked to Covid hospitalisations and deaths. You decided to ignore these proven scientific studies and then dismiss them. My point is proven, there is nothing sincere in your position, there is nothing consistent in your position.

You solely want to discriminate against people who have an opposing view to you and that backs up my charge that you are a bigot and a zealot. You’ve had ample time to rationalise your insincerity and contradictions but you decided to act like a spoiled child when you had the opportunity. You have proven to the forum you are incapable of debating in good faith.

Bad news for self employed tradesmen.

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They’ve moved goal posts a lot

TAOISEACH MICHEÁL MARTIN has tonight highlighted difficulties in the domestic use of so-called ‘green cert’ or vaccine bonus to access any services, such as pubs and restaurants.

Citing civil liberties issues, he told his parliamentary party meeting that it is likely it will only be used for overseas travel.


someone better show that to Hoolahan… these kids now will go home and kill triple vaccinated grannys…
Vaccines are deadly as they lull people into a false sense of security that they are “free”… personal responsibility, even if you are triple vaxxed stay away from children

For anyone on here that has had COVID in the last few months could ye let us know what medication was prescribed to you to treat the virus, obviously anyone that replies has survived the thing so I’d be very interested to hear what if any drugs were prescribed. I’ve asked a few people I know this week who have had it, some with worse symptoms than others and in the vast majority of cases were prescribed zero medication or advice as to what medication they should take if symptoms get worse. Most oall of them were told if they develop breathing difficulties to contact and ambulance or visit A&E. Am I missing something here in relation to utilising drugs to prevent the actual overwhelming of the health system that is so very forcefully being attempted by those in charge ?

And then he acts offended when his inconsistencies are called out.

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Do self prescribed cans of stout count?

It’s not a reasonable view. Comparisons between MMR vaccination and Covid are invalid, for three reasons.

  1. MMR vaccination is successful because it provides long term immunity, most are protected for life once vaccinated. This is not true with Covid, immunity against infection is lasting 6 months at best, and much less for people who are vulnerable.
  2. Variants. Delta was somewhat vaccine evasive, Omicron is infecting people regardless of their vaccination status. The easiest way to think about this is the way flu viruses mutate and require a different vaccine every year.
  3. Covid infects many mammals other than humans, there have been numerous outbreaks in animals e.g. mink, so there will always be a reservoir among wildlife or domestic animals for the virus to spread and mutate (again think flu and chickens/pigs). There is good reason to believe Omicron evolved within mice and spread to humans.

None of that is an argument against vaccination, but vaccination will not eradicate Covid nor get us to herd immunity. Close to 100% of the UK adult population have either been vaccinated or have had Covid, and the place is riddled with Omicron.

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Seems like there’ll be no extra restrictions this side of the new year thankfully.

I hope you are right. A few days racing planned myself.

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Same as myself I’m heading the 27th. It’s always a big meet up for my friends and I badly missed last year.

Hopefully they tell the scientists to fuck off. It’s long overdue.