You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

So basically Holohan is saying Vaccines and the covid pass is a total cod?


Triple vaccined teacher constantly reminding a 9 year girl with glasses to stop pulling down her mask in class even though her glasses keep getting fogged up.

Young healthy teacher in her early 20s insisting kids keep their masks on during PE class.

Welcome to Ireland December 2021 boys.

Surprised noone has used Alan Dukes analogy of eating soup with a fork when it comes to masks and stopping the virus spread.


Itā€™s quite bizarre.

Weā€™re not far off the restrictions we had a year ago when nobody was vaccinated.

Heā€™s not very good at reporting on anything.


Do let us know which was your favourite bull before you go.

I suspect the problem there is the Principal and a lack of common sense. Principal in all probability have instructed staff to do this. However, the teacher needs to use a bit of ā€˜cop onā€™.


The only thing Iā€™d ever read your posts for reliable information on is whatā€™s in the NRA newsletter mate. Stick to that and Fox.

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Another 2 weeks should do it lads


Any consequences for yer man at all a fine or anything? If not, whatā€™s the point of our rules?

Smallest chap tested positive on Tuesday evening, one of the kids in his creche room tested positive on Friday last week and the ither 5 and one staff member have it now.

Heā€™s only two so theee was fuck all we could do to stop him sneezing and breathing over all us for the last few days. The tests for the rest of us have come back negative now. Surprised is an understatement.


Whatever about the rights and wrongs of it itā€™s the deferential attitude really gets me. Oh Tony Holohan said it. A political pen pusher and a spoofer who hasnā€™t been a proper doctor in years. As if heā€™s some big expert on the spread of novel viruses. And him literally pulling times and percentages out of his hole. Itā€™s like asking some lad working in the dept of education how to raise the reading level of senior infants.
I respect the likes of cheasty who just says lock it all down but anyone who supports tony and his 5.15pm 37pc at cinemas as long as itā€™s a comedy is a forelock tugging dope whoā€™s stupider than any of the worst tin foil hat merchants.


They usually take a statement off of people. No idea what happens beyond that. No statement was taken off of this lad. Sent them on his details but beyond that Iā€™ve no idea

And there is no pint to our rules. There is no point to any of this. The world has gone mad

The smelly anti vaxx crowd are only answerable to God apparently


Itā€™s basically a 5pm curfew across the board which Holohan is proposing.

A 5pm cut off for sporting events, theatre, cinemas etc. Mind boggling. And that prick Holohan is untouchable, accountable to no-one.

Just wait for the leaks and the supposed political outrage before they bend over and accept all recommendations.

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hope all is ok with Croppy junior anyway bud and that the rest of you escape it. awful timing, 10 days isolation locking ye up for Christmas. Hopefully it doesnt pass through you all, there doesnt seem to be any pattern or logic as to who gets it or doesnt.


You donā€™t believe in any restrictions, but you donā€™t want to have to deal with people that are in breach of them?

Cheers. He has a very slight cough and runny nose but if hasnā€™t slowed him down whatsoever. He can stop isolating on Christmas Eve and the rest of us donā€™t have to as long as we take an antigen test every two days. We can live with that. Makes little difference anyhow in the 5pm closing time actually happens later today.

Thank fyuck we had everything organized early thi syear for once.

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I did deal with him. I deal with everyone who breaks travel rules.

And yeah, I donā€™t believe in most of these restrictions.

@Enrique will you still be allowed on twitter after 5pm? :wink: