You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Sure I told that fool @the_man_himself this months back when he was saying what a great success the vaccines were.

The vaccines have been a failure, let’s be honest about it.

The reality however is this is a mild respiratory illness that doesn’t impact people who are generally fit and healthy. I just can’t get over the double standards between Covid and flu, it’s baffling.


“a slight cough and a runny nose”…
there you have it
this kid needs to be locked away to stop him killing triple vaccinated adults and you need to punished for 10 days

what a time to be alive


But hospitalisations are down. What’s going on here? Is it that there’s a bit of a time lag between infections and hospitalisations? Has something similar happened before? Maybe it has and that’s what they’re basing their decisions on.

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It did and I also debate in good faith and won’t say something unless I can support, I will do so now.

You’re a dimwit, the audit trail proves you to be a naive and simple sort of a chap who is unable to grasp the bigger picture and have now resorted to lying about your previous comments.

Are NPHET ever going to be accountable for their poor performance? We had the slowest opening in Europe because we were told it would avoid the need for restrictions, whereas the UK (and others) were fully open. Cases have trended way below even the most optimistic of Nolan’s models.

Their advice and predictions have been worse than most of the “conspiracy theorists” that told us vaccine passports were on the way even when all in officialdom reassured us they weren’t.

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As someone who has been highly critical of NPHET, isn’t the fact that cases have trebded below modelling proof that the interventions and restrictions they recommended worked? Are they supposed to develop modelling and then government sit back and see whether its right or not?

Exactly this, lucky enough our local school is operating a common sense approach despite threats and intimidation from a couple of local lunatic parents who obviously drag their kids out from under the bed at 8.30 each morning to send them off to school. I’d have a lot of sympathy for principles and teachers who are employing a common sense approach in today’s world because common sense among parents ain’t that common.

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This is very concerning cc @Tassotti


Where did I say it was a great success there?

a triple vaccinated man cannot go for a pint after 5pm

hastag vaccinebonus


They’ll probably make up something on the spot like anyone with a booster can go to a pub, but anyone without one can’t.

Some loon on rte now saying a self lock down has already started.

If you take another five doses of the monkey juice we might let ya into a half capacity GG next summer kid.

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Here you were championing what the vaccine rollout achieved?

That was me showing you for the dimwit you are. Now 12 months later we’re going right back to square one - as I’ve predicted and the slow learners like yourself are going to continue doubling down on your stupidity.

You were duped, made a mug of, thinking rolling your sleeve up like a docile fool would get us out of this. It hasn’t, you should at least fess to being a naive simpleton. Doubling down on your stupidity just serves to show the type of illogical zealot you are.

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Makes sense. Covid only comes out at night and they are currently long. Covid loves drink also. The combination increases exponentially

Open the pubs in the schools and the schools in the pubs

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The reclusive Gina on Scare Byrne now.