You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yeah but finding out you live next door to someone who doesn’t follow the science and is willingly putting his kids in danger is worrying.

Shur we put them in danger by first bringing them into this world

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Forget about Christmas lads, the Botswana variant is the nightmare we have all been waiting for

The rule only starts comes into play after 11 o clock break. We have to drop the masks in to the secretary in a zip lock bag and they’ll be quarantined for 72 hours before they can wear them.

I’ve been waiting for this

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no mask wearing at the school this morning thank god
you’ll have the odd lunatic but by and large it’ll be fully ignored id imagine

and to think there were fellas taking about the 2022 national hurling league on here a few weeks ago…

simpler times lads…


Yes, I’ll sort it all out next week if that’s okay?

If we have a hard lockdown until end of January it might be saved… But you see by the hard chaws on here, none of them obey lockdowns, mask wearing and I suspect washing regularly is a issue for a lot of these antivaxx lads… Paddy wants it both ways, thinks he knows more than scientists and doctors then starts roaring when his precious pub is threatened because he couldn’t make a few small sacrifices.

Palestine will need to impose travel restrictions on Israel now.

Is there anything to be said for postponing Christmas until late January or February?

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Just 'cos you say it, don’t make it so, bro.

Are we in a bit of a plateau (a downward rather than upward one) here with cases and hospitalisations?

Aye we’re over the worsts of it. The corner has been turnt.

For the moment we are. People are definitely mixing less. And boosters beginning to work.

But this is basically last week’s news, even if it’s happening now.

It’s like Comical Ali saying that everything is completely normal in Baghdad and across Iraq on March 15th, 2003.

Am I not right in thinking that atm this is only a recommendation from nphet and will be decided by cabinet next week

Ah Mike you’re better than to be taking anything that crackpot says serious

How concerned are you on the “new variant”?
  • Very concerned
  • Not in the least bit concerned

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If Nu Covid is even a fraction as bad as the atrocity that was Nu Metal, we’re in for a terrible time.