You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I need an option 3, “deeply concerned”, which is how Minister Donnelly feels about this.

Have you considered buying yourself a box of Pampers?

We’ve decided we won’t be going to the annual family luncheon. We’re gonna stay here on our own. You’ve children on here like @horsebox screaming about it being alright for people with kids to ‘stay in’ - by this I presume he means not go out and get blind drunk for the sake of it. It’s easy knowing people like that have no idea of what real life is about. Sitting in with young kids is tough going and we’re the ones suffering more than the entitled pricks on here giving out about their ’ youth being stolen’… A two year old climbing the walls with Frozen on repeat and I’m going around the house breaking into sporadic verses of Let It Go… Her cousins slightly older in play school and junior infants have had repeated tests, coughs and colds, days off so we’ve to keep her away… A newborn with no immunity in the house. And you’ve absolute gimps screaming about their youth :roll_eyes:


Who are all these footballers? I saw Charlie Wyke collapsed in training but he wasn’t vaccinated

Why the sudden increase in footballers collapsing so?

What footballers? Why did Charlie Wyke collapse when he wasn’t vaccinated?

Christian Eriksen wasn’t vaccinated.

There’s been plenty in recent months.

Once again - Eriksen, Fleck, Wyke, the lad from Sherriff, Aguero.

Why in the space of the past 6 months have we had so many instances of players collapsing in the middle of games?

It’s a question worth asking but once again the vaccine fascists want to censor debate.

Didn’t Tom Daley’s diving partner die from it? The death was really oddly reported anyway.

Certainly these are questions that must be asked and claims that must be independently investigated but I think you can see how toxic society is gone when someone is effectively cancelled for asking questions and probing the link between vaccines and issues they cause.

There has been a spate of players collapsing in the past 5/6 months. Covid has been around for close to 2 years now, why is it only becoming more widespread now.

I dunno tbh. Hasn’t impacted rugby.

Nobody plays rugby mate. More pro footballers in England that rugby players worldwide.


Eriksen and Wyke weren’t vaccinated. That brings down your argument quite a bit

How does it bring down my argument quite a bit. There’s been a huge amount of the footballers collapsing on the training ground or field of play with heart/breathing conditions in the past 6 months. Surely we should be looking at and seriously investigating any link of this to vaccinations?

Why are you so intent on dismissing this?

Aguero had similar problems When he was young too.

3/10 for that post. It came across as very needy and a cry for attention. Let horsebox have his moment in the sun and show a big of dignity pal.

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Oh dear

You named 5 and at least 2 of those haven’t been vaccinated :joy:

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And the other 3? We’re talking about a very small time window here.

Aguero had heart problems when he was young too.