You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

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Like a Transformer?

Megatron of the Decpticons

Omicron of the Doomsdays

Boosters have been given out to mainly over 50s. The vast, vast majority of cases in the past month have been under that age, and have been for a while. It was mainly ages 5-12 and 35-45 that were the highest age group categories, and the majority of those are not availing of booster shots right now.

If we get to 200,000 by the end of the month, then Nolan will have been proven correct, on his most optimistic scaling.

Ok, so you think conditions changed a lot. Thats grand. But all those conditions were in place and forecast BEFORE he made those projections. So he knew of all the projected changes being listed and said if these changes worked, the best case scenario would be 200,000 cases. And the biggest change in all of this that wasnt forecast, was this big spreader omicron which was not factored into his numbers. So had he had that to consider, do you think his best case scenario would have been 200,000?

His numbers are, and always have been, completely shite. And this really doesnt help people take them seriously. For an advisory body, they lose massive amounts of credibility coming out with this guff and not only are they losing the general public, it is going to get to a point where if people see more and more lockdowns come in, even with having the vaccine, then they will say whats the point in the vaccine if its not going to make any difference.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy if it works, it works.


@gman with a game changing approach to skirting the current posting restrictions.

No issue with projections having a range under various assumptions and a fan chart of outcomes. However, the media will report the two standard deviation event at the outer limit of the range -x thousand cases, as what NPHET ā€œpredictā€ and policy will work off that.

Two Wongs donā€™t makes flight.

On bbc2 tonight or tomorrow about the links to Wuhan lab.

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Iā€™m seeing answers to questions before theyā€™re asked!


Weā€™re nearly two years into this experiment and itā€™s only getting worse.

The only way out is going back to normal.

It looks to me like this is the balance we find with this for the foreseeable future, rolling boosters. That pretty much gets us back into the same situation we were in a few months ago and sustains it. We basically just reverse a few months to when vaccinated people could do more stuff, boosted becomes the new vaccinated and weā€™re back to the good position we were in a few months ago. Looking forward it would make sense that thereā€™s a time limit put on the immunity acquired from vaccination (this will come in at EU level before summer for travel anyway) or infection and when it runs out you go get boosted (or infected) and on you go again. Absent anything else changing that would be a sustainable position to be in going into the near future.

Some ā€œnormalā€ you want.

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i can see the courts getting involved in very short order both at a national level and EU level. and it wont be the gemmas of this world either. it will be normal rational people and businesses whove had their fill and they wont allow the DOH or govt to settle their way oout of it before theres proper judicial scrutiny of the legislation which is what theyve been dreading all along given that theyve deliberately entangled regulation and advice to make it as incoherent as possible

Regina is not happy with her 60k odd in the seanad. She wants to get back to the bigger bucks


Rumblings on the backbenchs, could we see a coup and Tony get overthrown as leader of the country

Danny Healy Rae needs to give Tony a few pucks into the gob


Covid saved Tony, hopefully it will see the end of him as well. If Martin accepts these restrictions and imposes them he will be slaughtered and effectively kill FF.

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Looks like theres a lot of lads here who wonā€™t be getting a green jersey for Christmas.

The Blueshirts are starting to eat themselves


you love to see it!!

regina is toast as a public rep after DSP settled the case over the PSC

ban all off sales, have proper track and trace in hospitality and schools as well as ventilation are the answers

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I hope this happens just because it would be so funny.

Sounds like thereā€™s some fight left in the government.