You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Just a few key points for the crazies who want society to continue to be locked down o restricted perpetually as long as Covid is about.

640,458 positive cases, 5,835 deaths
0.78% fatality rate in the free state

From earlier on in the pandemic we know that 93% of those had underlying health conditions (article below)

We know that 75% of deaths are people aged 75 or over.

We have a clear idea of the people at risk and the people not at risk from Covid. It’s not a killer virus, generally it’s something that could kill you if you have serious health issues and generally is nothing other than a mild virus if you are in good health. That is supported by data, there can be anomalies but anomalies exist in all walks of life.

Now we were told vaccinations were the way out of it. Vaccination uptake has been huge and we’re back to square one, it has failed to reduce transmission and restrictions are on the way back in again. So what did it achieve?

I made a post last week showing how Covid deaths reduced significantly between this Nov and last Nov up north, yet conversely overall excess deaths increased significantly which would point to no-Covid related deaths taking a huge rise.

We have utterly lost the run of ourselves on a mild respiratory illness that realistically only compromises people in dangerous health positions who have to be careful of a whole myriad of things that endanger their position.

Now I’ll have the usual Zealots try and ignore my points here which are supported and accurate, I will have them misrepresent my position and try an label me as something I’m not.

It’s a fact that you have little chance of getting severely ill or dying from Covid if you health is in good shape.

It’s a fact that Covid vaccines have had little impact in quelling transmission.

So where do we go from here?

Should the personal responsibility not be on people who are at risk from Covid and people who look after these people to mitigate the chance of infection?

For anyone who died of Covid:

Had they underlying health conditions?
Were they elderly?
Were they vaccinated?
Where did they pick it up?
Had the people they interacted with on a regular basis being minimising their social contacts?

If ill people are picking up Covid in hospitals then the blame lies with the HSE.


No evidence that Omicron is any less severe than Delta.

Cc: of @BruidheanChaorthainn.

if only FG were in Government


Things will never be the same……

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It’ll be closing at 8pm. None of it makes a bit of sense. Shopping centres are full. But you can’t go to the cinema at 6pm

This is also eroding confidence in the vaccine. That’s the worst part of it


Could you lady bird this for me ?

Is it possibly the case that more people are vaccinated and that more people also have natural immunity following the delta wave? And also that many of those who would have gotten most ill are no longer there?

7pm per Micheal lehane


I’m gonna make a prediction here that this omicron variant could replace/ become another version of the common cold

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It’s a graph, you seem well able to post them up here? Are you posting data you don’t understand?

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Man down :skull: Christmas in isolation


fuck it. best wishes with it bud. hopefully ye arent laid down bad with it and get some sort of break over the holidays.

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Shit one.

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None of ye cunts will be going to midnight mass this year eith bellies full of ale

happy christmas me arse i pray god its our last (with tony, michael and leo at the wheel)

Did you get it off her or do you think the wedding got you too?

Get well soon

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Oh no, hopefully you’re not too bad

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