You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The Imperial College? About as credible as the Two Johnnies.


‘we all know what happened last Christmas’ is a stock phrase at this stage. What actually happened? I only remember people giving out schools were closed and no kids sport.

If you read the article they say “it could be as bad as Delta” and then admit it’s based on fuck all data.
According to the UK government earlier this week there were 250 people in hospital with the Omicron variant, when challenged this was revised to 9. I wouldn’t rely on the UK government or the Imperial college to forecast whether it’s going to rain in the UK today.

a few more weeks and another jab should do it

Tough break man, good luck with the recovery

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RIP @Raylan , very sorry for your loss

Or alternatively just tell her that you don’t give a fuck if she’s Covid positive, tell her to get in the kitchen and cook you some turkey, have a Christmas Eve glass of wine and a nice ride together, Christmas as usual.

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I could not think of a better time of the year to get Covid. What else would you be at?

christmas cums once a year

This is the nub of it.

I speak to an actuary several times daily and she got me thinking about this. She was saying…how can NPHET just pull a random time like 5pm out of their collective holes? Surely they should have detailed scenarios and accompanying analyses and then government should weight them up and make their choice. As opposed to NPHET making a recommendation based on a fudge or feeling that something should be done.

Scenarios should cover what is projected to happen if we do A, B, C & D but not E & F etc etc.

How many cases if we close hospitality at 5pm? How many it’s 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm all the way up (including if you stop in the chipper on the way home etc). The models should surely allow for a range of assumptions.

They just seem to pluck an industry (hospitality) and then a number (5pm) and there’s not much (any?) justification or workings to back it up.

I also think @cheasty urging extreme caution on omicron is a valid view, but I think this way of doing things winds people up. That’s why you’ve lots of folk losing the head over it.


stay safe bro

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I’d probably welcome a blast of it around now to be honest

Next week is only a cod in school anyway and I’d be flying fit for the new year with a bellyful of antibodies

The omicron may be less of a dose but it’s transmissibility will probably make schools unfeasible unless we change our approach, and if the schools are gone then everything is gone in reality

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93,000 cases on the mainland, thousands are dying

Is that double yesterday’s amount?. If not it’s all a cod

Could be one or the other, she’s under the weather with a couple of days. I only got a bit of a sore throat last night, I’m not bad at all yet anyway. Supposed to be near 30 cases below around the venue and the bride is swearing blind to herself there’s no outbreak at all.

A fella with badmind could do woeful damage with his close contacts list right now :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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The UK’s HSA independently are saying the same thing.

Again, they are correct. There is no evidence for Omicron being less virulent than Delta.

Any word on the restrictions?

Wonder what movie Leo will be quoting when telling us to get back under the bed

should have been 140,000 according to the “experts”