You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite



Seems the thinking on EU vaccination certs is they will last for 6 months from now on with boosters extending them by another three. This to come in in February.

They probably need a bit more work to make this practical as it could easily lead to gaps for people planning travel but it would get us (the awkward squad excluded naturally enough) back to normal pretty quickly.

Best of luck. You probably got it from her tbf. Weekend to Thursday would be long enough before symptoms emerged.

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RTE reporting an 8pm curfew, but we will be allowed ate a bowl of gruel with a slice of stale bread after 8pm


Back to normal :rofl:

Pfizer said today they expect Covid to become endemic by mid 2024. So that’s 10 booster shots (2.5 years, booster every 3 months) to allow travel within the EU. Covid has destroyed people’s minds.


Mass hypnosis.

whats the craic with the pill for covid?

is this the fix?

To be fair Glas a woke entitled white male nutter so is basically capable of spouting anything.

What an absolute crock of shit. 8pm closures me hoop. If you are concerned then don’t go out.


TUM called it


Any chance the rotten cunt trips down the stairs and snaps his neck.


You’d hope they’ll cancel large sporting gatherings over Christmas. Racing and rubby could be huge super spreader events.


Remember at the outset of COVID when people used to watch these announcements and the media/pundits would analyse how Varadkar performed on the podium. Now nobody I know gives a bollix or pays any attentions to these stooks.


The Pfizer antiviral (Paxlovid) is awaiting FDA approval and is very promising (90% reduction in hospitalization and death in the clinical trial). They are also planning to make it available for generic production in developing countries which is good news. The Merck drug (Molnupiravir) hasn’t been approved yet by the FDA but is approved in Europe I think. Clinical trial results were initially 50% reduction later amended to 30%, so seems a bit shit in comparison to Paxlovid.

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This will be the worst wave ever.

til the end of January, that means the end of April or June, if they haven’t closed the pubs fully by then


Here’s yizzer stats in case yiz are interested in why you’re being told to put on the green jersey


But but but hospitals (which have 100 people in icu :roll_eyes:)


Hater of stooks everywhere, Nedzer Brennan referencing Hitler