You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


The most interesting thing there is just slightly over 10% of people who have died from Covid have been in ICU.

I thought this was all about the strain it put on the health service?

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What a usel as spineless shower of cunts. Give back the Freeman of Dublin award you fucking spoofer


There will be a tribunal eventually regarding the number of deaths in nursing homes. Especially in the first wave (March-April 2020).

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21 months in and lads on this forum still donā€™t understand this.

I donā€™t suppose the likes of @Copper_pipe could dig out any auld video of Mickley Martin flutered at the Dail Christmas party with his hands all over Heather Humphreys arse singing "but baby itā€™s cold outside "

Yā€™all heard the man - house partying it is.

Iā€™d say Tone made all his best moves at house partys back in the day.


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Havenā€™t looked at the 500 posts above. Lads take the night off. Turn off the TV, put on some tunes and pour yourselves a few tremendous glasses of whiskey. Take care.


Miicheal did make one valid point. We canā€™t wish this away. Wonā€™t stop many on here, mind.



Oh fuck. Hope you have no symptoms and hope all are well.

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Nedzer is tweeting about Stalin now

I had to wait another half hour before I could wish you well

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Nedzer doesnā€™t come across as a :policewoman:t3: likely to be raiding pubs at 8:01pm

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What are the thoughts in the tracksuit castle this evening like, pal?

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Am I worried about something or what?
Iā€™ll just carry on, with sympathy for people who will suffer, but it isnā€™t much of a hardship to me no matter, my kids wonā€™t be separated from their pals and Iā€™m a contented old chap.

If you win that bet just send me your details and Iā€™ll send on the money straight away, donā€™t bother rubbing it in if you donā€™t mind,
If I win you can give it to charity

We need a long circuit breaker so everyone is okay to travel to Cheltenham in March. A sacrifice worth making.


@The_Most_Infamous is as reasonable as they come, Iā€™d expect him to be very gracious should he win. Whatā€™s the bet?

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You were extremely bullish earlier this year. I was just wondering was the tracksuit brand feeling any pressure, thats all,

I said all along I didnā€™t want this fucking mess to occur. Rolling lockdowns and bullshit. Its the last thing I want.

You were the poster that wanted to throw money on this. You had no limit to what youā€™d gamble on this even. I think I said 500 euro max. Iā€™m not a gambler at all though.

End of the day, I wonā€™t take a cent off you for what its worth. Send the cash to @RaymondCrotty


Covid is a plot by @RaymondCrotty to finance his schoolā€¦ Like how 9/11 was a plot carried out by international florists. Genius really.