You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

There are a lot of Comical Alis who have refused to even consider this sort of trend could be a problem.

You have it mixed up the florists killed Diana, 9/11 was an insurance scam.

Any positives at all to report lads?

Saw that last night another one by the traffic lights onto the Dock Road. Couldnā€™t get a pic as I was rushing for a ā€œmedical emergencyā€. Iā€™ll update the injuries tread in due course

Archbishop Holohan is a hero. In a time of great turmoil and danger one man of charisma and vision has emerged from the fog of the civil service to grab control and lead the nation to safety. He did it all with only his wits, vision and unbendable will.

Heā€™s up there with Bono as Irelandā€™s greatest wum. Heā€™s driving lads demented for nearly two years now.


if eddieā€™s still a member of AGS then heā€™ll be getting a rap on the knuckles for that

I read somewhere today that omicron is x4 as transmissible as delta and AstraZeneca isnā€™t worth a fiddlers fuck against it. Also triple vaxing with mRNA only gets 75% protection.
Sounds like bullshit to me.

This fella fairly pierced Eddieā€™s bubble.


He nailed it.

Yiz have only yizzer selves to blame


It should be a sackable offence but Iā€™m not sure how this government could sack anyone for leaning stuff and keep a straight face

Itā€™s a shame dullards like Eddie need this spelled out to them, time and time again.

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The Brits central bank raised their interest rate by 25 basis points the other day.

Thats positive in a way.

The vultures were never going to allow all that cash sit there on deposit anyway. Inflation now can bring down the burden in real terms for ā€œsoverign EU statesā€

Its convenient anyway.


I canā€™t tell you how much I regret voting for Tony Holohan in the Ian Dempsey man of the year now.


Weā€™ll find out soon enough.

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you might want to rethink the avatar too

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