You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

no point taking any more monkey juice

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Ger Hartmann = Ivermectin


They should play this theme tune everytime Monty Burns makes a 6pm Covid public address.


Micheal Martin says the public must use their unique resilience and trust in science together through the next 6 weeks.

The same man who was telling us that you can’t catch covid in classrooms, says classrooms are more controlled than cinemas, that we can defeat this airborne virus through hand sanitiser and refuses to invest in ventilation, etc, etc.

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Can’t wait for season 5 :ronnyroar:


The man is a moron. A spineless cunt and a wet blanket of a man. Its an insult to men to refer to chump as a man


Can anybody actually still listen to Micheal Martin? I had to turn to Christmas FM in the car yesterday because every other station had his speech on

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I’ve asked before but, when Tony Holohan and Co said I could have my old life back when I got vaccinated, were they just outright lying or did they not know what they were talking about?

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I think I found his wife’s Twitter account


Surely they should have brought in just an 8pm curfew that applies to everything noon essential rather than just picking on pubs and restaurants again

Afaik it applies to pretty much everything bar midnight mass

Nah you can still go the gym after 8.



There’s no route back to normal for her

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I’m getting boosted on Tuesday and my life partner got boosted today. There seems to be plenty of availability via GPs and pharmacies in Dublin anyway, just a matter of registering with them instead of waiting for the text for an appointment at one of the vaccination centres. Might be of interest to some (non awkward squad) people on here.

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Cracker :rofl:

Will you get a badge for being part of the good little boy squad?

I’ll reply to this in 9 minutes.


The speed at which omicron is spreading is mental … We’re gonna see a huge surge across Europe over the next few weeks but it will peak rapidly and subside just as quickly. Let’s hope most people can get boosted here before it kicks off proper but with the week that’s in it from here I doubt it.