You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

crossmaglen on Stephenā€™s day would be dangerous for outsiders Iā€™d say ā€¦

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A typical manipulation of the figures so they could announce a big number of cases tonight as if to justify the latest restrictions.

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So basically the Archbishop has been planning this thing meticulously since at least the start if the week.


Itā€™s paramount to fraud

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Thatā€™s tinfoil bullshit in fairness. Sure yesterday or day before be way better in that case.
Iā€™d still like to hear an explanation why it happens though

They have to validate the positive swabs manually and remove double counts etc. When numbers are high it takes Bridie longer to input the data.

Lads, would ye ever go off and throw an aul film on for yereselves and crack open a can of beer. Yere taking years off yere lives so ye are, talking about this shite.


Just looking at the state of UK/Europeā€¦ @Cheasty has called this spot on.

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These are going every week, you wonā€™t see it on the news though


How are things in Britain ?

Thatā€™s my secret. I havenā€™t been to the cinema or a restaurants since before March 2020. Do I miss them? Yes and no.

Iā€™m alright Jack. Talk to ye again in half hour

In London every fucker has the new variant, most people I know have it, i.e a cold, some lads donā€™t even know they have it untill they take a test. Its the best thing to happen yet as it will wipe out the original virus

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Itā€™s insane whatā€™s happening.

So omicron is a glorified cold?


Give it another year and te dinosaurs will be back. The homosapien will be extinct . Our Lord gave us this planet and we fucked it up. Heā€™s giving back to those who cherish it most.

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Iā€™ll answer that question in 29 minutes


Ostriches Going Crazy GIF by chuber channel