You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Can someone riddle me this. Bear with me.

I tested positive on the 30th Nov, 2 of the kids tested positive on the 1st. Wife tested positive on the 6th. The middle child has never tested positive after 5 attempts. Symptoms have been extremely mild.

I was due to attend a family christening tomorrow so we all took PCRs yesterday just so we could down with a peaceful mind. We were worried about the middle child who had never tested positive.

Results back today. The middle child and myself were both negative. While Mrs Pox was still positive after 9 days, and the other 2 kids were still positive after 16 days.

Testing is a fucking cod.


I thought you show up as positive for a good while after you’ve had it


As far as I know that’s why you need the recovery cert, cause you could keep failing a pcr for months.

There’s no way any of you are contagious now bar possibly the middle child if she does pick it up somewhere.


You can show up as being positive for 6 months after the initial diagnosis.

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It’s all a bit of a mystery really.

You’ll show as positive on a pcr for up to 3 months after having it

RIP, sorry for your troubles

Shocking unlucky on testing positive again so far down the road.

It’s a pure stones. I hope you are all well?

The range of time you can be contagious after initial infection is 8 - 37 days, you are most contagious 2 days before symptoms start to three days after symptoms start. For mild symptoms the great majority are not contagious after 10 days, 20 days for those that had more severe illness. You can still test positive for months afterwards as the PCR test is incredibly sensitive.

Do yourself a favour and just get on with it. Don’t visit anyone who might be frail or infirm or if any of ye are quite sick stay home but other than that get on with it and stop this utter nonsense. We’re long enough into this now to know what the fucking craic is.



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He’s trolling us now you see

That’s quite common and well understood in the testing. As others have said you’re free to go despite those positives


I think I remember playing that game on Windows 3.1

Its a cod of a variant. Delta was a real series var

Michael O’Leary harsh on the anti vaxxers
Was he previously a hero to the awkward squad?

In the queue here at Scoil Carmel since 8:25 nowhere near getting in @backinatracksuit @Julio_Geordio can one of ye bring me down a cup of coffee :rofl:

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It’s a complete and utter non event yet we insist on destroying the country and peoples lives over it.


20k+ cases a day is a non-event? :thinking:

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