You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Heā€™s a bit slow on the graphs

Half of Europe is going back into lockdown kid. The sheer number of infections outweighs the milder symptoms

Could be short lived though is the only hope mike? Snap lockdowns and open up quickly hopefully. I think the Irish authorities have handled the whole thing poorly with summer lockdowns, shite messaging and shown lack of respect to people with the arbitrary restrictions and huge anomalies but the moves around Europe this week kind of make shite of those of us giving out about holohan and 5pm closing etc.

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Jab done as they say fook it worth the 2.5 hour wait


I think so yesā€¦ Huge surge , sharp decline.

And youā€™re just a bit slow in general.

Got the booster there in ashbourne to allow a meaningful Christmas. In and out in 5 mins - smashing set up

Hungover ta fuck this morning. Up yours Holohan

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Iā€™d say heā€™s gutted to hear that


I hope you forwarded him on the pictures of pints last night like the rest of us

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The biggest problem is that the vaccine was seen as the silver bullet. Both governments and public alike didnā€™t think that its lifespan would be so short. The new variant was/is most certainly a kick in the arse. That together with the relaxation of contact tracing etc has contributed significantly to this mess

I got covid after the wife and kids all got it after having negative PCR tests initially. It was like a bad flu. I should be out and about Thursday.


Again, a bad flu is an awfully debilitating thing or so Iā€™ve heard, would be no joke if you were in your 70s or had other problems


Ordered a 15ft x 13ft poster to be delivered on Christmas morning to him

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The only silver bullet now is complete rethink in long term strategy. Cant keep lurching uncertainly from crisis to crisis with no contingency plans.


Is this a reflection of how quick it was brought in ? Maybe They made it weak as they hadnā€™t trialed it to previous levels of scrutiny so they watered it down ā€¦

I would have expected Fat Pox to have had a positive test result 2nd time around as well??!!

Theyā€™re slowly coming to that realisation I feel. Iā€™d say youā€™re probably looking at 2 boosters a year after this

Iā€™d say 4 boosters a year

Itā€™ll be 6 just to be safe

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