You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

some result for Pfizer

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A positive one.

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A bad flu? Fuck, sorry to hear that. Hope you all pull through.

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Booster on top of a savage night of :beer: fack it I’m in bits but we’ll keep trucking


That’s two lads on here now described it as a bad flu… Regular flu is an awful thing, a bad flu must be scary.


Possibly. I’m no medic but I presume the fact that the virus is capable of reinventing itself in different variants means that herd immunity is nigh on impossible, hence the need for a few boosters a year

This would appear to be the implication from the EU move on digital covid certs, three months added to the cert every booster. Rolling boosters and away we go.

a load of mugs queuing in the cold for a booster jab to “protect” themselves against a virus that is fuckall threat to 99% of them


What’s your honest thoughts on this scenario? Would you personally accept being required to get 4 jabs a year to hit the pub?

I dont know if I would. My feeling us that you do have to draw the line somewhere and maybe this would be as good a line as anywhere. I accept the need for boosters, I’m not sure how many I’d accept.

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Well the DCC is for travel but if they continue to use it for hospitality then that’s fine by me really. Why do you need to draw a line? We need to do whatever works to keep people safe and allows society function, I can’t see why anyone would have any issues with boosters every three months if they allow things to function, wouldn’t bother me anyway.

A booster every three months, from here till the day you die, for something that has a much less than 1% chance of killing you?

Thats the Ireland ye live in now. Lads don’t even think twice about how utterly fucked it is


I’ll hazard a guess and say that both individuals have never had a proper flu in their life


1% all the way up to the day he dies?

And you’ll probably still die of the covids

Over two years into this, honestly, how do you not get that this is completely irrelevant?

In any event I don’t see why it would bother me in any way at all. If quarterly vaccines allow us operate as normal then I’d take that over the alternative which is the current situation. I doubt it’s an eternity thing either, vaccines will improve and other treatments will improve to a degree where regular boosters won’t be necessary.

It’s completely mental that lads here are still talking about the threat from this virus as being about it’s likelihood to kill fit young lads, and repeating it dozens of times a day for the easiest likes you’ll ever get on the internet, absolutely mad :man_shrugging:


I have no idea how the death rate of the virus that has closed down half the world can possibly be irrelevant. The death rate is low across all ages too, @backinatracksuit not just young people.

Get the boosters. Made them available for anyone who wants one. I might get them myself from time to time. But mandating them for everyone for the foreseeable future in order to access society is absolute totalitarian madness


It’s a shot in the arm that is proven to be highly effective at severely reducing anybody’s odds of ending up in hospital, you may need to be hospitalised many times in your life for things that won’t kill you,

The less people that need to be hospitalised the better, for tje sake of a shot in the arm :man_shrugging:

I’ve no problem whatsoever with the shot in the arm. I got it myself. But mandating it for everyone, every three months, forever is insanity