You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Huh, has that happened?
Weā€™re not even a year into the vaccination process :grinning:

Youā€™re right that would be a bit much. We should review it every so often and see if itā€™s needed.

Alisson :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

It will get busy with vaccines over the next decade when the next mild illness comes along and we need quarterly jabs for that as well


I was responding to a post that offered that as a solution

It didnā€™t really though
It was a ā€˜for the time beingā€™ thing that was suggested

Youā€™ve got to trust that vaccines will improve and many other factors will come into play.
But for the moment how hard is it to roll up your sleeve and accept that itā€™s all we can do as individuals.
We can whinge about it and watch the hospitals fill up I suppose :man_shrugging:

Again, I have no problem with the vaccines, whether Iā€™ve ā€œgot to trustā€ anything from a company with the history of Pfizer, though, is another matter.

Iā€™m perfectly happy for vaccines to be available, they work. The mandate does not. It serves no purpose. If vaccine mandates worked there would be no issue with two fully vaccinated people going for a pint


Your reasoning there is way off. The vaccines and subsequently the vaccine mandate worked for a time, almost everything was open and it was the closest to normal in two years. Now we know that vaccines wear off, so we need boosters and time limited vaccine passes to keep us at the same level we were at for the next while. It all seems pretty reasonable to me I donā€™t see any issue with it. Thereā€™s also the new variant which we donā€™t know the impact of yet.

Thatā€™s an incredibly stupid post.

The vaccine mandate worked for a time? Eh no it didnā€™t, bar the first wave of the virus - the spikes have been seasonal and we are back to square one after a mass rollout of the vaccine - it didnā€™t work.

Need boosters for what? A vaccine that generally does very little for 70% of adults who take it. You take it not out of need but you take it as a permission slip so you can get on a plane or go to a pub. Itā€™s actually idiots like you who think a vaccine is a free pass to do as you please that means the virus is spread and cases rise.

Of course an idiot like you would deem it reasonable, you have had an absolute shocker of a pandemic and your selfishness laughably disguised under a veil of empathy has been exposed thoroughly throughout.

New variant? What kind of idiot is sitll falling for the nonsense of a new variant. They pulled the same trick last year you halfwit.


An absolute halfwit. Tony has given me a hall pass for 3 months, Iā€™ll just ask him for another one 3 months time. Whatā€™s the issue?


It boils my piss seeing these apes queuing up like lap dogs for their latest jabs. Has the penny not dropped for them yet?


No mention of long covid since The new variant burst
Onto the scene.




Whatā€™s funny?

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Would ye not go down to the pub for a few pints lads? Last chance

Heard off a publican,hospitality is getting pulled on the 21st.
Wouldnā€™t surprise me

The mandates really havenā€™t worked. I wish they had but they havenā€™t.

The fact is that we are still collectively scared of Covid case numbers. Anti vaxxers have put a disproportionate strain on hospitals and are still a problem but the intention was to cut down on infections.

The vaccinated thinking the vaccine stops them contracting and spreading Covid.


Iā€™d say they will pull all indoor activities outside houses soon enough including non essential shopping. Probably from 26th

Why did they ban outdoor dining ?

Weā€™re back to where we were pre vaccination which has to erode confidence in the vaccine and take up of same. We wonā€™t get close to 95 per cent booster take up now.

A fair chance they didnā€™t even consider it, given yet again they were bounced into it 12 hours notice