You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


Great no more masks on the kids in school so I presume

Can’t say fairer than any of that. The figures clearly show it’s the unvaccinated sending us into lockdown.

It won’t be effective January 4th

Is it not the other way around. Surely its not the parents picking up in the pub and bringing it home to little Johnny

Ye need these lads in Ireland

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I’ve just had another offer of a booster. I’m not even 40. They can’t give them away.

Presumably Phil’s starting the new job on January 1. I wonder who we will get next.

Remember when Staines called him a mere muscle physiologist when he shot down the drive for zero covid in January.

:rofl: :rofl: what an unbelievable spoofer

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I’m hearing crèches and schools will at least partially close in January for health and safety reasons as the number of staff isolating as close contacts will mean they cannot open.

You may see your kids coming home from school today and tomorrow to “facilitate a deep clean of the school”

Boosted, Jaysus that was handy, left home less than 15 minutes ago and I’m back already

Exactly half of my daughters class were out today.
The young lad in juniors said there was only 5 in his class but you couldn’t believe a word he says.


Lovely, my young fella’s school is finishing tomorrow so I’ can expect him to be arriving out with a shit-eating grin carrying a box with all his crap.

And why exactly are we locking down again :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


So you’ve provided some manipulated and subjective data.

Why not give us the raw numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated cases and deaths?

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The timelines need to be analysed with that data as well. As far as I’m aware you’re not considered fully vaccinated until 14 days after your 2nd vaccine. So anyone testing positive prior to that is classified as unvaccinated even with two vaccines taken.

At the other end then. Once your 6 months is up from your 2nd vaccine and you don’t have a booster. Are you potentially deemed unvaccinated by the CDC?. Those points would need to be confirmed before you could read anything into that data.

There seems to be a narrow window there of actually being in the vaccinated category.

@Tierneevin1979 , might clarify that.

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Utter fucking lunacy. Who does he think he’s kidding. Fair play to schools for managing to put kids into pods with people whose parents would spread covid to each other. Remarkable.


Bald numbers put in front of them but our two space cadets pitch in to say they can’t be trusted, meanwhile they’ve done their research on the vaccine on Facebook. You absolutely couldn’t make it up :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Seriously, do people still use Facebook?