You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™ve got vaccine envy here reading about that Modernaā€¦ I feel mugged off with pfzier ā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what booster Iā€™m getting tomorrow but I might cancel if itā€™s not the big M.


Iā€™m fed up. Bored off my tree. Going to be a long week or so.


I got Moderna-Moderna and then yellow pack Pfizer for a booster. I was mugged off rightly.

Dolly Parton knew all about jabs when she invested in Moderna.


You have vaccine envy? FFS I got 2 doses of shite that some of Borisā€™s mates knocked up in a warehouse in Oxford and then a wee shot of Pfizer

Each shot of Moderna has 3x the amount of vaccine as a Pfizer shot.

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I want to hear George Hamilton describing this.

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Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again. Us Moderna Men will be the ones called on to bury the bodies of the Pfizer lot.


Iā€™m Astra Astra and no cunt will top up my stars with it this time around. Surely there is a couple of pallets of it sitting somewhere.

Edit: Iā€™ve had an update from my old college buddy who is a GP up in North Mayo. (see brush shields, swamp critter reference).

KP - ā€œHave you any cheap bottles of Astra Zeneka lying around scan?ā€

GP - ā€œLoads if u know anywan looking a few shotsā€


Iā€™m triple Modernaā€™d, full house


Iā€™m the same. Started sweeping the moss off the tarmac earlier just to keep occupied.

Couldnt believe it was only the 20th still. Awful stuff.

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What would ye be at usually lads? I went out 12 nights in a row one Xmas in the early noughties (obviously with a break Xmas day to drink cans at home). I was in some shape after it and my mammy was very thick.


You can come out with me for the week. Itā€™ll go quick enough then,I can assure you

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get your 4th Jab in March and you might be allowed in a pub at 8pm

Mate most of the forum are in their late 30s, early 40s and youā€™d have a good few of the ā€˜delighted the pubs are closed, shure Iā€™ve no interest in that shiteā€™

Well Iā€™d bet you dollars to donuts back in their 20s they were on the lash for the entire month of December, chasing young wans, going the races, out watching sport, playing football then out for a few with the lads, work nights out, quizzes, college mates night out, whatever. Itā€™s very handy for them now to sneer at lads like @BruidheanChaorthainn or @peddlerscross who Iā€™d guess are in their mid to late 20s now theyā€™ve the 2 year old child and theyā€™re stuck in the gaff with 4 bottles of IPA watching NFL and Strictly dancing with the Rte stars regardless. Iā€™d be bored/passed off if I was still in my 20s with another winter of this complete nonsense.


Got Moderna yesterday after 2 Pfizer in the summer played golf after both in the summer not a bother in ribbons today a proper dose all round

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Realistically all you can do is make the best of it.

Get in the pub at 12/1 to maximise the day. Rollovers are key to this strategy.

A few oddballs wonā€™t go out the 23rd for fear of eating the Christmas dinner in their bedroom. Iā€™ll ignore.

Also have the 26th/27th sorted already.

Thanks to @Enrique for calling out some of the clowns on this who are only worried about their owns self.

Cc: @peddlerscross @BruidheanChaorthainn


Lads with young kids who have to stay in lecturing young lads that going out and having the craic is for fools


Top post. Miserable middled aged fat and bald cunts want everyone else to be just as miserable. Shower of cunts


Itā€™s a balls anyway. Just another Christmas where people are not making it home. Itā€™s tricky for people too flying who have to pass tests.

The whole thing is crazy. We should be fully opened up. Everyone knows it at this stage.