You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Itā€™s not @BruidheanChaorthainn 's fault that they canā€™t drink fuck all now.

Thereā€™s a serious lack of ā€œsense of adventureā€ about it all again this year. No Dingle for New Years, No buses anywhere the 23rd & 26th.

Losing out on 2x Christmasā€™s in your pomp is fairly miserable I can tell you.


2 years of people lives stolen and no end in sight, it will be the exact same next Christmas unfortunately


Thereā€™s a virus, people are dying and getting sick. It sucks that itā€™s here while youā€™re young but thatā€™s the hand youā€™ve been dealt so fucking deal with it you little prick. Enriques post has been posted 50 times already by different posters, itā€™s nothing but an attempt at grabbing likes. The useless cunt will do nothing but moan on the internet while getting his vaccine and wearing his mask when out.

But yeah, I rode everything that moved when I was young and Iā€™m delighted I didā€¦ Rather me than you.

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Itā€™s an absolute disaster for the poor cunts and there really is no minimising it outside of wind ups if people are being honest. They canā€™t even go to the fucking cinema this year šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦ the pandemic has been very easy for the mast majority here id imagine. Doing less work for the same pay with a better life balance due to no commute. Still out for a few pints the odd time no different than they would have been at anyway.

We will never get back to pre March 2020.

Varadker said as much over the weekend. A small bit of freedom might be given out at times but weā€™re in a long war vs Covid.

This is the new normal, mate.

The lads sneering here one day will see it. Itā€™ll be far too late then though.

The moronic variant is literally a head cold. Sheep will follow the dog though. Simple cunts.

My sis told me the chemist next door to where she works called in today trying trying to flog 3 booster jabs, they got no takers there

Iā€™m up for the fight if it wasnā€™t all a cod.

Youā€™ll pull a positive Antigen within the next 3 days , youā€™ll have to ride it out and take natural immunity as your booster

The Moderna is a cunt for feeling like shit after


This is why we are locked up

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Do what you think best mate.

Donā€™t let the zealots bully you into conforming with something you donā€™t agree with.

Iā€™ve gone full U-turn in great tfk tradition. I used have little tolerance for folk who took days off work sick at the drop of a hat. Yesterday, a colleague came into the office looking pale and tired with an awful headache and a sore throat and after telling her to go home (she said sheā€™d see how she was at lunchtime) I said I reckon she had Omicron and donā€™t be coming anywhere near me.
Sheā€™s a lovely person and Iā€™m ashamed of myself, but fffs sake like.


I thought covid had made those office heroā€™s type extinct.

Gareth Southgate got coach of the year?!?

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Iā€™d like to respond but I have to wait for longer than my attention span

When my place went to full remote working sickness days decreased almost to zero.

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Very similar to you - Moderna on Sunday - I was very ran down last night from 6 pm but ok today

This booster vaccine is indeed a quare hawk.

Mrs Kremmen was boosted yesterday (Pfizer-Pfizer-Moderna) and is right as rain.

I was boosted 2 weeks ago (Moderna-Moderna-Pfizer) and I;m as sick as a small hospital this morning.