You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Given this a like for the wonderful invention of ā€˜Dragonā€™s Wheelbarrow IPAā€™.


Minor rant about Tony Holohan:

One of the neighbours from home there passed away there during the week, non-Covid related. An elderly Protestant farmer gentleman. The funeral is this afternoon. I tell the aul pair that Iā€™ll come home for it and call in for lunch afterwards. I have a long lunch arranged at work. A short while afterwards I get a call from the Mammy saying explaining that this neighbour happens to belong to a Protestant sect that has a big anti-vaxx feeling so neither of them will be going to the church today. Theyā€™ll stand out on the road as the funeral is passing instead. Fine I say, Iā€™ll still go and come round for lunch after. Thereā€™s no restrictions on funerals at the moment, we agree. I donā€™t think my parents are being unreasonable in avoiding anti-vaxxers.

A while later I get a call from the aul boy telling me in no uncertain terms that I was not to go to that funeral if I didnā€™t want to spend Christmas alone. Daddy really laid down the law with me boys. ā€œThe CMO said today not to only mix with the people that you will be spending Christmas with. So bad is the cases situationā€, he said. I couldnā€™t argue with that, thatā€™s what the Archbishop said.

I was thinking of organising a few bad and dirty boys to hit South Armagh over Christmas. Forget about all that, Christmas is going to be insufferable miserable shite. I wonā€™t be going fucking anywhere. Iā€™ll be watching shite RTE TV, binge eating Roses, getting fat, being a miserable useless bollocks who just wants it all to be over. [The thought occurs to me now that I actually need an apartment in Monaghan, maybe I might pick one up.] Christmas will just be a big fucking fight.

Tony Holohan is the biggest fucking cunt this country has produced since Archbishop Charles McQuaid. Both my parents are triple vaxxed. The risk posed to them by the Omicron variant is miniscule. Tony Holohan has destroyed millions of lives, probably permanently. These people will never be happy, never know joy again. This country is fucking ruined and it wonā€™t be getting back within a generation.

My da used to literally have hundreds of friends. This is not an exaggeration. Now he has Zero friends (we could be zero!). He is treble fucking vaxxed. No-one could survive like that, Iā€™d say heā€™s aging at 5X the normal rate now.

Have a brief read of this thread and the replies.

Iā€™m not losing friends due to Covid because my friends arenā€™t fucking losers. There are some people on that subreddit that I feel sorry for though.

  • Please reply with your abuse below, "Poor tank having to do what his daddy tells him. Donā€™t be killing your parents, etc.
  • I have a long post planned about the new religion of the 21st century and how miserable it will be so you have that to look forward to at least.
  • I will be back in half an hour to post a link about the new Israeli 4th vaccine dose.

This x1000,an utter utter cunt of a man.


It sounds like your Dad knows whatā€™s best for you. He knows you need a period of rest & reflection.

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You lads would do well to fall in line or youā€™ll end up like Portugal.

Weā€™re probably 6 months behind here so look forward to @Enrique stepping up to the mark in June 2022.

Could you watch Netflix on your phone?


That sounds like entirely your own fault and choice mate, you seem to be projecting your own self-loathing onto Tony Holohan. Iā€™m sure there are things you could do, you could go for a run for example.


Why does your old boy hate the protestants?


Great too see Lord Holohan keeping a low profile


Sounds like Tony is spreading a lot of medical misinformation there. An obese elderly gentleman can engage in international travel but not catch the virus due to ā€œspecial magic powersā€.

Could you not go for a walk down the fields?


His waistline is an utter fucking disgrace.

Why have we an obese bastard dictating healthcare strategy?


Thatā€™s why he likes lockdowns saving his own ass.

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Heā€™ll do nutin.

Heā€™s actually looking much better since he gave up the drink. A proper housewives sex symbol. Heā€™d have gone the way of a roaster with bailer twine holding up his suit trousers if he hadnā€™t smartened up.

Here is comes ā€¦

18000 cases here today but 775 deaths. Case numbers peaked at the end of November and are gradually decreasing. No doubt all the Poles coming back from London for Christmas will bring the Omicron with them. The Omicron peak is expected here in the second half of January.

I think thereā€™s 4 different categories in the whole OIUTF and LIDTF at this stage. I can think of one level 1 on TFK, five or 6 level 4. Rest are 2s and 3s. Society at large probably has 5pc each level 1 and 4.

Level 1ā€¦ Orthodox hassidic LIDTFā€¦ Basically zero coviders, whole family wear matching masks outoors, keep my kids safe, would like lockdown 5 immediately, elbow bumps to their mammy, seperate bed to the husband

Level 2ā€¦ think masks make a big difference and wear them everywhere indoors in public and under their chin at a match, think we need to protect the hospitals, government and nphet doing a good job, trust the experts, fully vaxxed, would still go to a match, the pub, no real worries about whoā€™s in their house but wouldnā€™t go near a party, ā€˜hard on the publicans but needs to be done the numbers are very highā€™.

Level 3ā€¦ Wear masks if someone else is looking at them but more for show. Whole thing a bit overblown, double vaxxed will get booster but no rush, nphet/govt are all over the shop, most restrictions make no sense, absolutely no fear of covid personally but donā€™t want elderly getting it, would go to a house party but maybe not a foam party. Similar to Catholics who never go near mass but whoā€™s kids make communion

Level 4 Hardline ultra OIUTFā€¦ Should be no restrictions, masks are all for show and a complete waste of time and wonā€™t get the vaccine. Itā€™s only a flu and a scamdemic


Summed up perfectly.