You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

20% positivity, itā€™s on.

Is there a level 3.5? Does level 4 include hairy hands? Mine arenā€™t hairy but only thing keeping me out of level 4 is Iā€™ve 2 of the jabs

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Look how crazy people are becoming.

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The narrative is not making sense, people want more restrictions for a mild respiratory virus near its end game?

I donā€™t think arguers should hang their hat on the numbers. Id say theyā€™re likely to rise fairly fast.

I recall that Cark weirdo/sicko Brendan Oā€™Connor had a segment on his weekend radio show (probably as far back as summer 2020) about who was having a good covid. I thought it was puerile (have I used that word correctly?) and disrespectful nonsense at the time, but I would include your good self in this category. Youā€™ve a lovely way of cutting through the information/media sound bites from different sides and putting your own interesting twist on it. You should be very proud of yourself. You too @Tank, in your own mildly deranged way.


Werenā€™t you previously saying that was primarily in the unvaccinated regions? How has that developed since?

Possibly. But cases have been consistently in the 1-2k range up north for about 3 months now. Theyā€™ve been quite high throughout so canā€™t see that big of an increase.

The fact is itā€™s a mild respiratory virus, not of threat to the majority of the population whether vaccinated or not.

Proportionatly more of the deaths are unvaccinated. Havenā€™t looked at the data for a few weeks. There has been an increase in the vax rate in the current wave but itā€™s still only about 65%.

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So many like this unfortunatelyā€¦ the media are cunts , elder generation are terrified ā€¦ sad to see men and women who loved socialising disappear in behind their front door


Pure disaster getting a booking for a test.

Just had the childer in for their 5th tests so far, funny the lack of a crowd there considering the issue getting the booking though. :thinking:

It seems rampant about all the same, canā€™t say Iā€™ve heard of anyone really sick though.
Good few families locked down for Xmas after children testing positive seems the most common theme Iā€™m hearing.

Letā€™s hope there isnā€™t a run on hospitals anyway.

Stop going for tests


dont worry tank, youve several hundred e-friends on here, even if most of them are sid socks.

keep the chin up old bean

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Iā€™m a triple threat as of today.

And there you have it. Close the thread.

That sounds like total bullshit.

And I guess the shills never bothered to question it?

We should send all the unvaccinated to one county and the rest of us normal people can get on with it

In total agreement but if I need to see GP or Caredoc over Xmas with them I need a negative test result. :man_shrugging: