You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The country should be shut down cos there’s 54 unvaxxed people in ICU? Yiz have lost yizzerselves in hysteria and propaganda.

Reminder 33k people die every year in this country. Hospitals are full with flu cases every winter.


I made the observation that @Arthur had a lovely Bill O’Herlihy way about him, asking the probing questions and letting the more flamboyant personalities do their thing. In typical TFK fashion, posters remarked that Bill was a tobacco lobbyist and a Cark cunt instead of giving @Arthur his dues for being the facilitator extroaddinaire.


These smelly unvaxxed cunts need to go… Get them tae fuck. Give them as much tinfoil as they want and send them to Spike Island.

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Put up a poll there with the levels Bando. Find out what level people most associate themselves with. Obviously a fella who only got the vaccine to go to the pub and would call to his granny even if he had a dry cough and couldn’t taste her apple tart would be a level 4 @Heyyoubehindthebushes



The second year in a row where parents haven’t been allowed to attend the kids’ Christmas Party in crèche and where we’ve had to watch the singing segment on zoom. A socially distant Santa arriving in and leaving presents on a little table for each child to go up and collect. They didn’t even get to sit on his lap!

So impersonal and genuinely heartbreaking. I’m crying my eyes out here (cc @Tassotti) and it’s all because of those awkward squad, conspiracy theorist, selfish, unvaccinated bastards. Yet you’ve people saying it’s lads who can’t go out and get shitfaced that are the ones suffering. I’m so upset. Won’t somebody please think of the children in all of this.


That’s Big Tony and your support of his policies who has stopped those poor little kids from getting a nice present from Santa in person, ruining a very important tradition of Christmas. Not the fault of 54 unvaxxed people in ICU.

You need to look in the mirror and start with the blame there.

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What did @Bandage do?

That’s a nasty reply to a clearly emotional man & his only misdemeanour is loving his children.

I was surprised to read that the highest 7-day average for people in ICU with Covid since this all started was 216. I thought it’d have been higher than that.

Is that less than 50% of our ICU capacity?

Here we go…

And finally, the 5G covid chips have arrived


@balbec will be pleased that Poland are still clinging on to the Top 50 spot

crazy ted danson GIF

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Omicron is a noneventicon and everybody knows it even the loons.

The show is over.

The issue here on craggy Island is how long the powers that be are going to let us wonder around aimlessly like those soldiers you’d hear on the news who are found in a Vietnam jungle wondering about thinking the war is still going on.

They can still save Christmas and the new year. It’s not too late.


It’s bordering on mass psychosis what’s going on

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Listening to Paul Reid today… Christ, we’re at double hospitalisations and nearly 5x ICU admissions compared to this time last year, and we all know what happened in January… They need to close the pubs fully from tonight, and all hospitality. Or just execute the unvaxxed.

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Even The Atlantic is callling it.


Bonkers she couldn’t put on a fucking mask as opposed to making scenes and ending up in prison?

She is bonkers unquestionably.

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