You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The hospitals are overrun

The daughter positive tested on an antigen this morning got the PCR this afternoon symptoms are a stuffed nose and a scratchy voice. Got the J&J in July which is long worn off. Iā€™m the last one standing against it in this housešŸ˜®.


Check out the contrast in tone from the Mick who runs a hospital group in New York interviewed on that right wing platform CNN


Just anecdotally I know some amount of people that have tested positive in the last few days. Case numbers surely about to go mental


Judging by the crowds out and about today its gonna get serious.

Are you another pedo supporter?

Oh dear




Resilience? Theyā€™re cool as a breeze about it here.

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Canā€™t bate the old casual racism, even managed to squeeze in ā€˜itā€™s their cultureā€™ :+1:

you might be as well off to get it and be over and done with it

Iā€™d wouldnā€™t be all that pushed but not on Xmas week with aul lads down to attend dinner

I can see @Tank there at the window roaring abuse af @mikehunt in his hazmat suit. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is sitting at the bar wearing a cap after he disguised himself to get in with a fake Covid cert.


Iā€™ve gone as the Birra Moretti guy.


Mates of mine who were impenetrable have tested positive. Mild colds only. Cases will be off the charts, the highest ever. This will he the real test of omicron.

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Cark or tipp? Personally tipp as I reside in the weirdo infested county

Omicron = liberation

Watch how slowly our public health officials are to catch up*

*despite the data and comments from SA experts over a month ago

We should be thankful for Omicron reaching our shore in bounty


Tipp. They all picked it up in the same place by the sound of it though so not sure if its a wider thing

The danger is cases go sky high theyā€™ll lockdown and credit that then for the hospital numbers not going as high

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ā€œAbundance of cautionā€ will be the mantra while the rest of the world has long realised itā€™s a head cold