You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No each variant less virulent than the original Wuhan > Alpha > Delta > Omicron we are at end game here it’s done it’s over


Was Delta less virulent than Alpha?

I’d say manys the shuck you fell into after a few poteen’s .

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It can but a more virulent strain is less likely to persist when you have something like Omicron that’s spreading like measles.


@Tierneevin1979 has had a great pandemic


Ho ho ho, he must have decided it was The Right Time

Oopsies for Jim I think


Pfizer will make $22 billion on 2021 from the vaccine and predict $36 billion in 2’22 (two to too). Handy money woth the r&d paid for under operation warp speed

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A clamping of epic proportions


I’m giving that a like.

So is everyone else by the looks of things

Jesus that’s just sick …

I’m officially calling this over exactly a year ago the missus and the eldest got Alpha he was thrown to the bed for 3 days missus for 2 weeks and had Long COVID until April youngest diagnosed yesterday and it’s gone today head cold at worst. It’s done


The doc I went to for my booster said this would be the last wave unless someone really bizarre happened. We’ll be done with covid my march 16.


Believe in science @Tierneevin1979 called it from day 1


I went for my Christmas haircut this morning. The barber told me to take off my mask as I sat down. I reminded him we were in the midst of a pandemic and we should all have a moral obligation to protect our friends and family from the omicron variant.

Everyone in the barbers stood up and applauded. One woman had a tear in her eye but a smile the size of the harbour bridge


You sad little steamer. I’d say the aussies laugh in to their sleeves when they see you with the little coffee in your pasty paw

As long as they covid safe laugh into a sleeve, that’s the important thing. We don’t want to end up with the city closing down at 8pm :wink:


I’ve never worn a mask in my barbers during the entire pandemic.

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You really showed him.