You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


I’ve been utterly, utterly vindicated pm vaccines.

The ballsy guys who trust their immune systems are the real heroes

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You get a valid QR code if you’ve had covid in the past 6 months. So it is possible he has no vaccine. I also know someone who has a fake cert that works without them having the vaccine. So as much as it would be great to fuck Jim over on this, can easily be explained away.

I wonder will Tom O’Connell be forgiven but not forgotten for busting Jim’s anti vax bubble.

Heard Jim was breathless from the long Covid.


“In immune systems we trust”

Could be a winning motto for a COVID sceptic running for office :thinking:

Stephen Donnelly😂



A lovely backlog

RTÉ and Brian Dobson flat out on the news at 1 pimping for dose 4.

11k. Happy Christmas Ireland

It’s everywhere. I know two people triple vaxed who have it this week.

It seems like a cold though.

We’ve been at 4K or 5k for a few weeks and numbers in hospital are that low.

I’d expect a raft of new restrictions from Monday

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Was coming. Considering the volume of people now positive locally I reckon it’s going to go up further until New Years.

About 50% of people I know under 30 have it at the moment. Nobody seems to be bad with it though

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There were a lorra lorra people coughing and spluttering around Galway yesterday.

We can’t be far off herd immunity now.

Proper immunity now from the virus itself, not some mickey mouse immunity from the vaccine.


This I dont get. If the current variant is less severe than Delta, how are restrictions justified? Surely the rules on isolation must change or the country will come to a standstill.


We’ll have to have a good Stephen’s day as we won’t be let out til May after it.

Even if someone is 50% less likely to end up in hospital with Omicron, if there are triple the amount of cases that means there will be 50% more people in hospital.

The UK have recently dropped the isolation period from 10 to 7 days.

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We need to learn to live without a health service.