You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Lord send us 50k infections per day and thus we shall have Liberty

This is the end of freaks locking the economy down


Is it not a case that if the poorer countries donā€™t get vaccinated, weā€™ll end up with some other strain in a few months.


Anyone who gets a third jab is prolonging covid. We need to get it to the third world


Ah come on. Iā€™m anti lockdown but the idea is that if more people get a less virulent virus the same number or more could end up in hospital.

V=virulence or % likeliness of ending up in hospital
N= number of people infected
H= number of people in hospital

V x N = H
V might be small but if N is really big you might still end up with a big H. Thatā€™s how multiplication works. A smart boy like you knows that. They donā€™t know how big the N is going to be and they arenā€™t even sure about V.

Anyway, every 2nd person I know has this, they all just have a cold, except for one dumb anti-vaxxer who woke up and thought she had tonsillitis (possibly Delta variant) but sheā€™s basically grand too.

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But how was it with cases averaging 3 to 4k for a number of weeks, the hospitalisation numbers fell from 700+ to less than 400, with a much more severe variant?


Gas to see the way some vaccine zealots are now complaining about the restrictions placed on positive case vaccinated people while silmutaneously wanting unvaccinated non-Covid carriers shut out of society.

I suppose common sense and intelligence is left behind when youā€™re dealing with that type of zealotry and dogma.



Not necessarily unless other variant is even more transmissible than Omicron.

Iā€™d say theres plenty of it going on too

Omicron is a cod of a varient. Get the antibodies

Thatā€™s probably because the boosters work. The government delayed on them and didnā€™t really take them into account.
Iā€™m anti-lockdown.

And you the rabid republican.

A few lads coming across as deadly ignoramouses here

Mental Health 3D GIF by bbsquirrel247

Oh aye, sheā€™s the dumb one because she didnā€™t get an injection of monkey juice for something she caught and is actually fine from it.

If anything shows how stupid you are and how much of a naive coward you are. I can tell youā€™re raging about being exposed as a nodding donkey.


Maybe Omicron was around earlier than they thought?


Yeah, possibly.

Hospital admissions is the important number and they are going the right way.

Itā€™s just pure panic from an inept government.