You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This sentence cracks me up


Looks like the bottles of whiskey were opened earlier than usual this year

Surely there should be different rules for isolation and what not if your fully vaccinated. Otherwise itā€™s fairly pointless.


How many cans are you after having?

They should have extended the unvaxxed period to a month as a vaccine bonus

Heā€™s winding you up is all.

Lovely cut to proceedings here today.

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Cracks me up that you know what I was referring to. But youā€™re still willing to misrepresent my post. I was alluding to mandatory vaccination being abhorrent. It is from a moral and scientific perspective.

Sneer all you want,

Happy Christmas.


Iā€™m going to be sharing a space with an unvaxxed soonā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what to think about it. What do you say to these people? What conversation should I try and engage in to be polite? Should I have a weapon (concealed) at hand just in case?

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Its brewing away over crowded dinner tables as we speak. Fellas digging into custard and Christmas pudding with a big smile on their faceā€¦ Little do they know theyā€™ll be chewing the soft end of a ventilator by this day next week.

They canā€™t say they werenā€™t warned.


Fellas were laughing at Paul Murphy when he warned of a ā€˜tsunami of deathā€™ there last week

They wonā€™t be laughing next week

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Must be, anti-vaxxer @glenshane is currently lying on a cold mortuary slab awaiting incineration.

A super spreader sending old ones to their deaths but heā€™s entitled to do so because he got some monkey juice inserted in him.

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I seem to wind up the low intelligence anti vaxxers without even trying

Its incredible stuff. It genuinely is.

The neck on the little prick talking down to people who have made a concious decision not to take a medical product because they feel it doesnt benefit them in any terms.

Same cunt now is positive and wants a clap on the back. Good man yourself. :rofl:


Jamie or paddy lads?

Bushmills for @Thomas_Brady

Ah heā€™s not the brightest.

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Can I ask why you were even tested? You must have had some symptoms?

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Close contact of about 20 people that had it

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