You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Thereā€™s going to be some run on hankys and lemsip - stock up


They werenā€™t laughing in 2004.

Twas only that windup merchant @davidtrimble from AFR posting a few videos on Twitter to catch out the harmless lads.

Fortress Geordio fell last night. I failed two antigens so we cancelled the crew coming and just did it ourselves. Wouldnā€™t be possible with the two small ones for me to isolate.
Going for a PCR tomorrow but theres about 5 ways I could have got it so Iā€™d be surprised if I didnā€™t have it. I feel absolutely perfect and no one else failed it. Only did it because there was people calling.
The mother was a close contact before that and followed all protocols, passed a PCR yesterday but has a very bad cough.
The eldest was coughing all last week and passed two antigens and a PCR and the youngest is off form all week bit of a temp etc but again passed the antigen. And Iā€™m grand then and failed it.

Fuck knows.


Youā€™re gravely ill mate


Start making funeral arrangements


You did well with the colouring pencil

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Had a head cold a few weeks back, chest infection now but antigens have came back negative. Cold & flus seem to be the ones on the go at the minute our way.

Half my pals in NYC have Covid or family members with Covid.

Theyā€™be pivoted to have a Jewish NYC Christmas and order Chinese takeaway.

RIP kid.

How do you feel about the situation at the moment chesty ?

Did you catch it off Santa at Jetlands :thinking:

What sort of fucking eejit are you taking tests and you have no symptoms. For jaysus sake. The likes of you have the country ruined.


I know sure. We had a few elders coming in.

Holohan needs to call an emergency meeting of NPHET for tomorrow morning.

So everyone in the house is sick except for the lad with COVID?


Half the country has it at this stage. Multiple neighbours, work colleagues, family and friends have fallen. Nothing worse than a cough, headache or runny nose, thankfully.

Iā€™m grand anyway and have dodged it over the last two years, I wonā€™t be going for a PCR test again or doing one of those antigen tests unless Iā€™m at deaths door.


Weā€™ll all have it by January.

take care Julio

Is there any point for positive antigens going for a PCR anymore actually? This fair to say you have the damn thing, just isolate for the 10 days. I have not heard of (m)any antigen positives ending up negative PCRs