You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Isolate for 10 days :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: youā€™d have to murder someone in the showers and be bad about it before.

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Iā€™ve heard of 2 positive antigens coming back negative this week and the opposite as well

Antigens are hit and miss as are PCRs. Anyone going by antigen tests alone is playing with fire.

No covid for the Bradyā€™s. We donā€™t have a pub problem so that helpsā€¦ I know of multiple people who have it now, the numbers for the next week or so will be good viewing but it should all blow over soon enough. Letā€™s just hope not too many vulnerable/old/ unvaxxed end up in hospital and we get out of this shit early new year.


Iā€™ve a cough and a runny nose. Will be some balls if it turns out to be C19. Will get an antigen in the morning :unamused:

The choice now for most people is go out and have a drink & run the risk of a cold or else stay in ,

The trouble with the first is isolating & all the close contact hastle and risk of ruining other peopleā€™s plans

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My thoughts exactly seeing people posting on social media about isolating for Christmas. A bit of fomo for the attention for being a martyr ating turkey in Christmas pjs in a single bed.


Why? Weā€™ll all end up getting it in our house at the moment its a cod itā€™s only a mild headcold at worst the missus was flattened with Alpha last Christmas and took about 4 months to fully recover.


I feel safe from a 2004 style tsunami. Up here on the high ground is a good place to be.

Iā€™m not chesty at the moment and am on my fifth can of Guinness.


Iā€™m glad you are unwinding. Enjoy the break.

hadnt heard of positive antigens becoming negative PCRs, but look you have info on it happening so maybe Julio hasnt fallen just yet!

Good luck with that. I had three earlier and couldnā€™t stomach anymore.



No mate, you should purposely be infecting your parents with Covid


Do you want me to fly down with one for you?

The one they got a booster for?

You must have zero faith in vaccines.

Like motherā€™s milk. Shure Iā€™m only leppinā€™ around the place today with the booster in me.

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Donā€™t ruin Philā€™s model.

#Dontchanceit #Antigenit

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Look after yourself as well boy.
I like you around the place here, youā€™re a sound young man and have gotten a shit end of the stick with your life been taken apart , if I was in my mid 20s now living in maynooth with 4 lads and working shifts id go spare without the boozer, half 3 nitelink , matches and racing ā€¦its all we lived for at that ageā€¦I very much sympathise with you BTW.
Happy Christmas pal