You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The father in law was telling me a good one earlier. He got covid from a night out in the local after a county final.

He returned to the pub last week after 3 weeks away, and met one of the lads who was with him the night he caught it.

"And you never got it at all Mick and you beside me all night "

“No, never got it. Lucky enough now”

“You were lucky, my wife is only getting her taste back now after it”

“Ah ya sure I’ve had no taste or smell for the past three weeks”


“Did you not go for test Mick?”

I did in my fuck…


At this stage obviously the best scenario is we test and no one has it. But the worst scenario is we test and only I have it, because we are all getting it, so if I only one or two test positive then the rest isolate and get it later on and have to start again

if one gets it, then its pure luck whether anyone else gets it or not


When you jump into a bed of nettals you never know what one stung you

Ah the old bed of nettles defence. I remember it well.

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Thanks mate. We had a test in the house. Came back positive. FML

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As predicted


Omicod variant


“Staff not necessarily sick but unable to come to work”

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I know a chap in a household of 5, he is the man of the house and was the last to get it, wife, kids all got it at various stages over 2.5 weeks, he got it last, had to isolate for near 4 weeks, the way things fell


That is the nightmare scenario

You must have been in the Beer Garden this week were ye?

I know you haven’t specifically said it, but do you really think that people should turn up for a shift in a hospital when they’re contagious for a virus which makes lots of people sick?
Even for a let it rip approach that seems extreme

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hopefully it wont fall that way for you Julio

I had the damn thing a few weeks back just pre the Omicron variant, it was harmless, blocked nose, bit tired

I was under the impression, I was bulletproof for Crimbo after it, now I am not so sure with the new variant, I suppose I d be fair unlucky to get it again so soon?

I am going to the Nk football final reply anyways!


They could do antigen tests before going to work ?

Should be a compulsory question for every OIUTF poster on this thread

I don’t fully understand I suppose.

But in responding to @Batigol who seemed to be questioning the line that people who aren’t experiencing severe symptoms are having to stay at home, aren’t we all aware now that different people experience this differently, allowing or encouraging people infected with the virus to turn up for work in hospitals appears a bit wreckless

I think the point is that close contacts now have to stay home from work even if they test negative. Now one argument is this is an extra precaution as Omicron is so transmissible but the other argument is people aren’t getting that sick even they get it so causing all these health workers to be off work is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Id imagine they will be forced to change those close contact rules back again or else go for full lockdown. Will all depend on Omicron hospital numbers. Ironically the next two weeks are crucial

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You’ll all have it eventually, almost guaranteed