You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

the nest two week are very important

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Can we still be zero pal?

Hard to see anything but a lockdown come January with current rules the way they are. Schools wont be able to stay open. The point about Hospitals is very valid. While the new variant is less severe, how it affects the old and sick is still a big unknown.


I think more restrictions are inevitable.

Hopefully once January ends we look back at data that shows we can move on now as it’s become a disease we can live with even if large numbers of people are infected.


What are the chances of more restrictions between now and New Years?

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Depends on ICU numbers & health staff sick leave

One way or the other anyone not able to work should be paid the exact same wage as they normally are by the government. Fuck 350 a week. And there should be an automatic 1 or 2pc tax slapped on everyone else to pay for it for the duration of the lockdown. Would have a few benefits of increasing solidarity and also focusing minds on finding solutions.
It’s genuinely disgraceful that a minority of people pay all the financial cost to ‘keep society safe’.


I was referring to people who are close contacts. If they are testing negative I don’t see an issue with them being in work

it needs to be locked down now, today, then a gradual re-opening starting in August


OK, the line you quoted specifically referred to people who had Covid but were not ‘sick’ with it.

It’s the hap, happiest season of all.

I wonder will boosters prolong this. If they do actually still do a decent job of preventing infections (not to the same degree as before) then the argument will shift to the more vulnerable population becoming vulnerable again by the end of January. 10 weeks seems to be the guess for serious waning of the boosters vs. Omicron.

Its absolutely disgusting vaccinating perfectly healthy people 3, 4 and 5 times when there’s millions around the world in poor countries more deserving


That would require a conversation about risk. The Govt will continue to hide behind NPHET

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FOAD,I pay enough tax already.


Its a cult

I presumed that was @mikehunt level satire

Like what do they think the big plant is going to do for them? They’re taking the piss.

Send her down to the shed for fuck sake are you trying to kill us all?

How did they wrap the plant