You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Sweet fuck!

Heading to Longford tmrw for mine. Add another few quid on diesel

Thereā€™s a good response there that many sickos are using this situation to indulge in their own sadistic tendencies. Just like out Les Miserables crew on here who were intent on cancelling Christmas. Shower of fucking Cromwellites


This bullshit will make the 2008 collapse looks like a teddy bears picnic

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All those people eating their Christmas dinner and drinking in their bedrooms who were plastering social media yesterday are very quiet. The reality of their long isolation period will have set in for them. Reminds me of the sing songs in Lombardy in their early lockdown, they werenā€™t singing for long.


Any lad who sends a family member to isolate with Covid is like a cunt in Vichy France.


Archbishop will be pushing for full lockdown soon, very soon

Is anyone in the country sick with this thing yet?

The neck on this guy ā€œdonā€™t meet with other householdsā€ How about go fuck yourself Tony.


Few lads here today with bad hangovers.

And him in a radio studio.

You couldnā€™t make it up except Tony literally does, every time he speaks

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200 quid a PCR test.

I wonder which fuckwit has cost the taxpayer the most on here

Probably some helpless case like @the_man_himself


@mikehunt goes for one every day


Well boys, hereā€™s a little conundrum for me. I was about to head over to a friendā€™s house so I thought Iā€™d do an antigen first and itā€™s come back positive. It rubbed off my thumb before I put it in my nose so it might be a false positive but Iā€™ve had a few close contacts. My only symptom is a slightly runny nose (this is a very mild cold). Should I tell my parents tonight or leave it until the morning? I couldnā€™t give a shit but my fatherā€™s just not going to understand that omicron is a cod. Heā€™ll go mental. It will be an awful shock when they realise theyā€™re all positive too, massive drama.

Itā€™s positive alright your almost non existent symptoms match up exactly tell your oul fella now rather than leaving it

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Unless your folks were heading out meeting people, it can wait till morning.

Itā€™s how you deliver the news that matters. You need to start by telling them that youā€™ve great news for them that the omni-cron is the one to get blah ba-blah etc.

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RIP @Tank