You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Do one again in morning. If thatā€™s positive telll


I know a lad who got two positive antigens last week, went for PCR test, negative, took another antigen, positive. Then went and got a different brand of antigens and they came back negative.

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They didnā€™t suit him.


How did the person actually feel amongst all of this?

Tell them / everyone appreciates the notification. Iā€™m heading to Longford for pcr tmrw. Going to swing by kilbeggan on the way. If that last fence can take out Barra it should wallop omicron too


Start charging wankers for pcr tests and jabs, wouldnā€™t be long ending this nonsense


How are they costing 200 euro a test when private companies are charging 60 euro for the same test and presumably making a profit on that?

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The article they posted above is from early 2020, so itā€™s definitely come down since

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He was awkward.

Stop stealing glasā€™s lines

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Feeling guilty about your 14 pcr tests now you absolute mug?

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Just trying to wade through the bullshit of the low IQ crew

No symptoms. Only took the initial antigen cause was going visiting people.

They took that quite well. They havenā€™t twigged yet that all of them are definitely positive as well. Iā€™ll stay here for another day just to be polite, then Iā€™ll head back to Dublin and spend all day running in Phoenix Park and do a bit of midnight swimming. These people would never let me out the door. I tested myself before I came down Christmas Eve so I havenā€™t been that irresponsible.


Tbf you might only really have been infectious from today so they may have avoided getting it from you if you hadnā€™t gone to them directly.

Infected China man coughing all over them in the packaging plant, the cheap ones are pre dosed

I donā€™t want to die.

Sorry mate but you are going to die. We all are.


Iā€™d be astonished if I didnā€™t pick it up today