You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

And you’ll go to hell too you prod bastard.

Going by a TFK sample size, it looks like half the country currently has covid or at least a positive antigen.

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Hey, I know my auld boy…

Tie your belongings in a patterned oversize tea towel to the end of a well chosen stick, rest over your shoulder and don your best pair of boots.
Steal away from your home under cover of darkness , never to return, a life wandering the high ways and by ways ahead of you now.

God speed


In the beer all day. Strolled through a bog for a house party for the host to say outside the Door to 10 of us, can’t have it the father is concerned about covid.

Its a cod

There you go.
A part of me thinks alot of this mania over testing is for people to get time off work/school.
A clever way of dossing that’s bulletproof.

There’s a lady at our place that’s been for a Covid test so many times I think I’ll congratulate her when she eventually gets the positive


Theres no need to think it. It’s a fact. This whole “close contact” thing was a godsend to a few lads of a Monday morning if they weren’t in the humour for a bit of work.


We have one of those heroes too, four times in 2021 he was a close contact and twice he had symptoms, always negative (thank God).


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Yep.In the early stages,a lad I work with had a temp of 37.2.
Rang in and got a week off.
Nothing wrong with the lazy cunt.

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Didn’t you need a official message from the HEE to get time off? That was always the case in the public sector anyway, can’t imagine private were more lenient

Ah yeah , the first two weeks of December when we were at our absolute peak work wise at least 6 were down at any one stage or another. There was one week there where I was in Cork of a Monday and had to go to Cavan on the Tuesday


Finger in the dam stuff there Mike.


Absolutely. And I was still on the go until yesterday between various different houses. I’m sitting here now and I wont do as much as scratch my hole for the day

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Nope.just told to produce a negative pcr.
Which he did a week later.
The poor auld crater :laughing:

Off to Wexford now after another round of negative antigen tests. We’ve been testing ourselves thrice daily for the last week. Looking forward to meeting up with family and friends, but we’re limiting ourselves to contact with those who’ve taken the booster shot, or are children and therefore ineligible to participate.


I’m finding Venn diagramming of a particular future situation really helpful. Worth setting aside an hour the night before a particular meet up and having a clear picture of the gathering.


That’s great news.

I hope you and the family are well.

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I’ll give Tony Hoolahan one thing, hangovers are way easier to handle with early closing.