You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Day drinking is tremendous fun alright


Had ye a good of it yesterday? 56 teams is great going

I find it hilarious and disturbing lads that have to go out four hours earlier to get as much booze into them as possible. Funny and pathetic.

The Irish, particularly rural Irish, have a peasant mentality. The stupid cunts starved when they ran out of spuds, says it all about them.


How were nphet so against Antigen testing? Surely itā€™s be a big driver in helping capture these huge case numbers. Itā€™s in the double figures now the amount of people I know who caught cases just doing routine antigen tests.


Iā€™d hate to see your Twitter timeline. Iā€™d say itā€™s filled with QAnon shit.

The same reason they were against masks. They are chancing cunts


As I understand it they were wary of the accuracy of the tests, and somebody testing negative but displaying symptoms would go about their business as usual, which makes sense in an Irish context to be honest

I kind of get that if other countries were doing that and it was considered best practice. Not sure what other countries did

Theyve been proved wrong though. Would love to hear a proper open debate on covid between a couple of reps from nphet and some of the more reasonable critics. Where they could defend some of their decisions and maybe even admit they got a few things wrong. It seems the ā€˜narrativeā€™ is getting completely away from them now.

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NPHET would do well here. Never admit they made a wrong call, dig in like right stubborn cunts. Throw in some gaslighting for good measure.


Iā€™d love to see it for the same reason.

In the tournament itself I was very disappointed.

Myself and @endakennys group both teed off together and hit possibly 2 of the worst first shots the competition has ever seen so our chances of winning were pretty much done by then.

I also ran into trouble when trying to cut the corner at the soccer pitch by hitting the ESB wires and landing in the field. :cry:

@Fat_Pox played very well. Safe pair of hands.

The aftermath was good craic but a lot of the old folks didnā€™t hang around as long as other years.

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Thatā€™s an education thing though. If someone has a mild symptom are they more likely to take a quick antigen test or go book a PCR, and have to isolate for 48 hours? People moved on from March/April 2020 levels of compliance.

Fucking hell

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Because most people bothering to get propery tested through the HSE at the moment have had a positive antigen test at home maybe?

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Hardly surprising