You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

‘half the country have covid’

Holohan’s objection to antigen tests was based on not trusting people, he thought people would use them and then go off acting as if they didn’t have covid and breaking the other restrictions and guidance.

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The media are hilarious


Did ye end up in the school or what?

That corner can end most people. A real risk and reward shot.

I couldn’t imagine many of the older crew hanging around.Which is a shame really as that makes the day.

Good news continues.

And it’s probably closer to 10m cases

Twas an enjoyable jaunt again. It was made even more enjoyable poking the inaugural champ who was very bitter with his round. We went around in 18 which is solid. I should have brought a pair of wellies as I spent a good bit of time in fields. I’ll be aiming for the masters event in a few years😜

There was a fair crowd there drinking after. A real young crowd (18-26) who in the past would have legged it as they were planning a big night in one of the towns. They stayed as there was nowhere to go. I had a couple of swift ones outside. Mary’s being closed and the auld crowd getting out of there quick being the only real downers.

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As @Bandage observed so astutely, you won’t really know about hospitalizations from Omicron until about 7th or 10th January.

I’m off to get a PCR in Wicklow at 3pm tomorrow, the only test that was available in the whole country and I had to stay up until 1am last night to book it. I think realistically about 25% of the country is Omicron positive right now. I think realistically there’s more people with Covid19 than without it.

I will say this with complete certainty though - Omicron is a complete piece of piss. This isn’t the most sick I’ve been this month - no actually, not the most sick I’ve been in the past 7 days. It’s a very mild cold. You’d have no guilt at all about giving it to someone else. Everyone should get this thing. If your wife or life-partner gets it, do a big shop and then get positive off her immediately and don’t be dragging it out. How many of those Omicron admissions are people being admitted with something else who test positive? Given that most of the country have it anyway?




Up shits creek here. The cunts we went to Christmas fucking dinner with have all come back positive for the covid. Fucking cunts rang us while I was over with my parents today.

They’ve made a fuck of me few days off. The cunts.


Call them and thank them.

You are liberated

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Yeah but your demographic is not the concern. It’s the old and those immune compromised.

Would you ever go away with this shite of blaming people for giving it to you. If you were so concerned you should have stayed at home.

Half the country has it anyway so not a big deal.


All the auld lads are triple vaxxed, no more can be done


Agree with Tassotti, the auld pair are fully boosted, they’d be better off getting this thing together and getting it over with. Omicron is a joke.


Is it terrible to say that he was probably on to something there? That is how I would expect a lot of people to respond to a negative antigen test

I find this argument very hard to understand. Sure the same fella who goes about his business after a negative antigen test is still going to go about his business without any antigen test. The only difference is it catches a certain pc of the positive cases and stops them going about their business.


No, he was completely wrong, trusting people is the only way to maintain compliance over the longer term.


Terribly naive post